Could the increasingly protectionist instincts of US politicians destabilize the dollar?
美国政客们日趋严重的保护主义本能,是否会破坏美元汇率的稳定? |
Could the ladies wear formal dresses?
女士是否需著正式服装? |
Could the mirror be related to the Deathly Hallows?
镜子会不会和圣徒们有关联? |
Could the older-style conservatives such as Mr Rafsanjani and the reformists band together and win next time?
像拉夫桑贾尼先生与改革家之类的做派稍为陈旧的保守主义者是否能够联合在一起,在下次选举一举夺魁呢? |
Could the price be bargained over again?
这个价钱还可以商量商量吗? |
Could the problem be Vieri leaving Inter?
是否是由于维耶里会离开国米而造成的影响? |
Could the urban tribes be on to something?
这是否表示都市部落有其道理? |
Could the voices that Moses and Mohammed heard on remote mountain tops have been just a bunch of firing neurons ?
摩西和穆罕默德在偏僻的山顶听到的声音仅仅是一束点燃的神经元? |
Could there be a better plan for staging?
是否有更好的集合区规划? |
Could there be a negative side to this?
但这会不会有负面的影响? |
Could there have been a more wry tribute to the president who said in his first inaugural address,government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem?
对于一个在就职演说上称“政府不是我们解决问题的途径,政府本身就是一个问题”的总统来说,还有比这更具讽刺的颂词吗? |