This is a match based on pure love,the paper said.
报道中说:“这是两个真心相爱的人的结合。” |
This is a movie so singular, so intense, so overwhelming that it simply has to be experienced.
这是如此单一、如此热烈,如此让人无法抗拒的一部电影,以致我们简直不得不去体验它。 |
This is a novel finding,she said. Only gender has an effect on rate of ageing, not sexual orientation.
「这是一项新奇的发现,」她说。「只有性别会影响老化速率,性倾向并不会。」 |
This is a painful task,said he.
“这是一份不愉快的差事,”他说。 |
This is a record of good deeds and bad deeds. There are a lot of debts due for all you people's killing. You had better watch out!
“这是一本记录善行和恶行的书。你们这些人杀生太多,罪孽深重。你们最好小心点!” |
This is a reproduction, not the original.
这是复制品,不是原作。 |
This is a story both of the United States working with Asia in addressing these issues regionally in Asia, but increasingly it is a story of the United States and Asian partners working together to address these issues on a global basis.
这是美国和亚洲国家在亚洲地区共同处理这些事情的经历,但也逐渐变成美国与亚洲伙伴在全球的基础上共同处理这些事情。 |
This is a textbook Republican campaign strategy.
“这是一个教科书似的共和党竞选方案。” |
This is a throwback to employment practice which is outdated and we cannot just stand still,he added in a statement.
拉奇在一份声明中补充说:“这种不正常的现象完全应该归因于早已跟不上时代潮流的现行就业体制,而我们对此绝不能视而不见。” |
This is a tragedy and we express our condolences,Boris Gryzlov, speaker of Russia's lower house of parliament, told journalists.
「这是个悲剧,我们要表达我们的哀悼,」俄罗斯国会下议院议长葛利兹洛夫告诉记者。 |
This is a very courageous, assertive Speaker, who is not unwilling when be identifies something he wants to do to put his reputation on the line, said Mr. [Jim] Wright's chief lieutenant, Thomas A. Foley,…He likes to go out and grab the nettles.
赖特[议长]麾下主将福莱说,这是一位非常勇敢、直言不讳的议长,要做的事,即令危及名声,也在所不辞。……他喜欢去做棘手的事。 |