Indeed, we were very close to developing a new type of vehicle to complement our sports car models. |
中文意思: 事实上,我们当时距离开发与跑车相称的新型汽车只有之遥。 |
Indeed, through progress and increased experience in library design and selection technologies, gained not least from working with synthetic antibody libraries, researchers have now exploited many of these novel scaffolds as tailor-made affinity reagents.
事实上,随着库的设计和筛选技术的不断进步及经验的积累,研究人员不仅仅是从人工抗体库中,还开发了很多新的平台来进行高亲和力特定结合分子的设计。 |
Indeed, today's archers still honour the fabled outlaw.
事实上,今天的射箭运动员们仍然尊敬那些传说中的绿林好汉。 |
Indeed, true companion, I ask you also to help these women who have shared my struggle in the cause of the gospel, together with Clement also and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life.
腓4:3我也求你这真实同负一轭的、帮助这两个女人、因为他们在福音上曾与我一同劳苦.还有革利免、并其馀和我一同作工的.他们的名字都在生命册上。 |
Indeed, until the bubble burst and the public turned nasty at the start of the decade, the cult of the celebrity chief executive seemed to demand bossly narcissism, as evidence that a firm was being led by an all-conquering hero.
实际上,直到十几年前泡沫经济开始破裂,公众感到厌恶以前,对知名首席执行官的崇拜似乎需要老板式地自大,以此来证明公司由一个战无不胜的英雄人物领军. |
Indeed, we have the best of English.
的确,我们有最好的英超球员! |
Indeed, we were very close to developing a new type of vehicle to complement our sports car models.
事实上,我们当时距离开发与跑车相称的新型汽车只有之遥。 |
Indeed, when I cry out and call for help, He shuts out my prayer.
8我哀号求救时,祂塞闭不听我的祷告。 |
Indeed, when he met liberalism, it merely confirmed his dislike of it.
事实上,当他遇见自由主义,这仅仅证实了他对它的厌恶。 |
Indeed, when we discover that the quiet mother of four with whom we've been talking intimately all evening has recently been elected to the state senate.
事实上,在整晚的交谈中,四个母亲中最安静的那位,最近被推选到参议院. |
Indeed, whenever you hear it in a business context, you can be quite certain that what follows is going to be nonsense.
其实,如果在商业背景下听到这个字眼,你就可以断定后面所讲的都是废话了。 |
Indeed, while my husband and I were arguing about each other's multitasking foibles, upstairs our children were engaged in a sophisticated orgy of multitasking.
实际上,在我和丈夫就彼此的多任务弱点展开讨论时,我们的孩子正在楼上进行复杂的多任务处理。 |