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Signals are displayed in the following places: D. Carlos I Quay, Guia Lighthouse, Monte Fortress and Coloane and Ka-Ho Port Checkpoint.

Signal which prevents accidental operation by spurious signals or avoids possible ambiguity. 防止假信号的意外作用或者避免二义性而设置的信号。
Signally, the government has failed in the fiddly but vital task of applying for and administering the (euro) 60 billion ($75 billion) that Poland is due to receive from the EU from 2007 to 2013. 波兰原来期望可以从欧盟2007-2013年中期预算中申请使用六百亿欧元(七百五十亿美元)的补贴,但很显然,政府没有完成这一需要技巧但又至关重要的任务。
Signalman should coordinate to ensure Safe Lifting Operation with proper signals. l信号员必须确保使用正确的信号,保证起重机动作安全。
Signals and slots are loosely coupled: A class which emits a signal neither knows nor cares which slots receive the signal. (实际上,槽有可能拥有比它接收的信号更短的签名,因为槽能够忽略具体的函数形参。)
Signals and slots can take any number of arguments of any type. 另外,信号和槽是松耦合的,发送信号的类不会知道也不关心接收该信号的槽。
Signals are displayed in the following places: D. Carlos I Quay, Guia Lighthouse, Monte Fortress and Coloane and Ka-Ho Port Checkpoint. 本表所指之信号悬挂于下列地点:嘉路一世船坞、东望洋炮台、大炮台及路环九澳港海关站。
Signals are emitted by an object when its internal state has changed in some way that might be interesting to the object's client or owner. 当对象的客户或者所有者所感兴趣的对象内部状态改变了,信号就被激发。
Signals control each section of the railway track. 各种信号控制着铁路轨道的每个部分。
Signals from the retina flow to the most basic processing area first; the cells in that area fire up others in the next area; and so on. 信号首先从视网膜传输到最基础的(基层的)处理区域;那个区域的细胞则唤醒下一个区域的其他细胞,并依次进行下去。
Signals that a timeout has occurred on a socket read or accept. 标志在套接字读取或接收时出现延时。
Signals travel at the speed of light. 信号以光的速度传播。

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