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By midweek, heavily armed officers were ubiquitous on the streets, and helicopters with searchlights a nightly reminder that a serial killer was still on the loose.

By midday they had already travelled 200 miles. 到中午为止,他们已经走了200英里了.
By midday they had already travelled 200 miles. 到中午为止, 他们已经走了200英里了.
By midday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was up 0.4 per cent on the day and was showing a rise of 2 per cent on the week. 截至当日午盘,道琼斯工业指数较上个交易日收盘上涨0.4%,较此前一周上涨2%。
By midnight Napoleon's fate was sealed. 到了午夜,拿破仑失败的命运已成定局。
By midnight he had put back nearly two bottles of wine. 到半夜时分他已喝了近两瓶酒。
By midweek, heavily armed officers were ubiquitous on the streets, and helicopters with searchlights a nightly reminder that a serial killer was still on the loose. 到周中的时候,全副武装的警察在大街上随处可见,装有探照灯的直升机每天晚上都提醒人们这位连环杀手依然在逃。
By missing theses shots, our defense was under pressure. 因为投失了很多球,所以我们的防守就更有压力。
By mistake he took the tall heavy-set man for his boss. 他误以为那个敦实的高个子男人是他老板。
By mixing a sort of organic silicone liquor, permeable agent and viscous agent at a certain proportion, a kind of permeable water-tight agent has been compounded for asphalt pavement. 摘要采用自制的硅树脂溶液,添加渗透剂和增粘剂后合成出一种渗透型硅树脂沥青路面防水抗油剂。
By mixing aluminium with other metals, scientists have been able to produce a variety of alloys, some of which have the strength of steel but weigh only one third as much. 把铝和其他金属混合,科学家们能够制造出各种合金,其中一些具有钢一样的强度,但其重量只是钢的三分之一。
By modeling of Y-shaped junction of the compound river channel with an intersection angle 90°, the flow velocity and water level at the junction were obtained by use of the acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV) and point gauges. 摘要通过制作交汇角为90°的复式断面河道Y型交汇河口模型,利用三维声学多普勒流速仪(ADV)和测针获取流速及水位数据,对支流河口处的水流流态包括水面形态、水流流速和水流分区进行分析。

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