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Although it is nice out, I have to stay home and baby-sit.

Although it is effective to some extent, it is not rational. 它虽然具有一定的解释力,但并不具备合理性。
Although it is hard to imagine, bats have an auditory version of a saccade as well. 蝙蝠也有听觉上的「跳视」,不过不太容易想像。
Although it is held to be a bad day for ships to put to sea on Friday, in 1492 Columbus set sail on a Friday and sighted land on a Friday. 虽然人们认为星期五出海不吉利,然而1492年哥伦布是在星期五启航的,发现新大陆也在星期五。
Although it is impossible to develop the mining right securitization in large-scale in China at present, some measures should be carried out to lay a foundation for the mining right securitization. 虽然我国目前还不具备大规模矿业权证券化的条件,但必须着手为矿业权证券化创造条件和打好基础,并进行积极探索和实践。
Although it is less gentle, some people will put their light box beside their bed and hook it up to a timer set to turn on shortly before awakening. 也有人把灯放在床边设定起床前一段时间开灯,尽管这种方式不那么温柔。
Although it is nice out, I have to stay home and baby-sit. 虽然外面天气很好,但是我得在家看小孩。
Although it is not currently accompanied by a starburst, bright clusters of stars do reside nearby. 虽然现在并没有伴随著恒星暴增的现象,可是确有闪亮的恒星群出现在附近。
Although it is not easy, you have the power to regenerate your life. 尽管这不容易,但你有使生活重获新生的能力。
Although it is often ready to lash out at critics on the right, it is usually more cautious in handling the left (China is still, after all, officially socialist). 虽然已常常准备着对右派批评者发难,但领导层在处理左派的批评时通常更加谨慎(毕竟,中国名义上依然是社会主义)。
Although it is often vulgar and unrefined, its implied meaning can be both deep and eloquent. 它虽然不雅,甚至粗俗,但却具有极强的表意功能。
Although it is only 840 meters above sea level, its steepness is comparable to that of the Huashan Mountain. 虽然它的海拔只有840米,但山势的险峻程度足以与华山相比。

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