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It certainly wasn't much of a feather in his cap.

It certainly meant a new militancy and a militancy of action , not the passive fulminations of the demi-militants . This was for watts . 这无疑意味着新的战斗性,不是半战斗性的。人们不是消极的谴责,而是积极行动的战斗性。这是瓦茨所需要的。
It certainly takes a lot of guts to jump one thousand feet above the water with only a rope tied to your legs. 双腿只用一条绳索绑着,从水面上一千尺的高度跳下来的确需要很大的胆量。
It certainly takes guts to take risks. 冒险的确须有勇气才行。
It certainly was a surprise to me that in '93 and '94, a lot of things that had been around for some time, TCP/IP and some newer protocols, particularly HTTP/HTML, actually got electronic communication to critical mass. 它确定地是对我的惊奇那在1993和1994,曾经到过为一些时间,传输控制协议/IP和一些比较新的记录在附近的许多事物,特别地HTTP/HTML,实际上把电子的沟通给紧要关头的块。
It certainly was not worth while to throw a veil of innocence over such palpable human cupidity. 要在这么露骨的人类的贪婪性之上加以无辜的面网,也当然是不值得的。
It certainly wasn't much of a feather in his cap. 那的确是一件没什么值得骄傲的事。
It challenged “universalism” which had long been dominating American historiography, and emphasized “particularism”, especially ethnicity, existing among various social groups in a multi-cultural United States of America. 新社会史家强调多元文化的美国中各社会集团的特殊性,特别是族群特性。
It chanced that we were both travelling on the same plane. 我两碰巧搭同一班飞机旅行。
It characterizes high stability, high reliability high precision, convenient maintenance and wide measurement range. what is more, it has net connection with computer to realize long distance monitor control of electric parameter. 该系统具有稳定可靠性好,精度高,维护方便,测量範围广等优点,而且能与上位计算机进行联网,实现电力数据的远端监控。
It charges RMB10 per 24 hours. 收费标准:10元/24小时。
It charges a monthly fee,one-time setup fees,and customer transaction fee. 需要月租、一次安装费用和客户交易费用。

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