“And every member of the congregation at the wedding sees himself as the major character, condescending to witness the spectacle.
「婚礼聚会中的每个人都认为自己是主要的角色,纡尊降贵来观看婚礼大典。 |
“And postmodernists are just as little interested in the sociological question of how research scientists react to one another or what the relation is between science and society.
应作「一样不感兴趣」。和什么一样呢?应该指的是上文提到后现代主义们对科学哲学与科学本身的不感兴趣。 |
“And the Emperor Alexander,” she said with the pathetic note that always accompanied all her references to the imperial family, “has declared his intention of leaving it to the French themselves to choose their own form of government.
“亚历山大皇帝宣称,”她怀有一谈起皇室就会流露的忧郁心情说,“他让法国人自己选择政体形式,我深信,毫无疑义,只要解脱篡夺王位的贼寇的羁绊,举国上下立刻会掌握在合法的国王手上。” |
“And we have a due regard unto the promise when we(1)we walk in a constant sense of our inability to comply with the command......from any power in ourselves,(2) When we adore that grace which hath provided help and relief for us,(3) When we act faith in
(当我们不断地意识到单凭己力无法行出神的命令,当我们爱慕那帮助、宽慰我们的恩典,当藉着祷告,凭着信心行事,当我们仰望神的应许,他会供给我们力量使我们能屈服,我们就在神的应许中有份。) |
“And we need a strong energy efficiency policy to be sure that there is a demand response to the high oil prices. Otherwise, prices will remain high.
“此外,我们需要一个强有力的能源效率政策,确保高油价引发需求方面的反应。否则,油价将居高不下。” |
“And what about Fisher? Where the hell is he?
“费蛇耳咋样了?这孙子跑哪去了?” |
“And what happens if I pull both the strings?”our curious shopper inquires.
“那么如果我同时拉两根线,会怎么样?”这个好奇的家伙问道。 |
“And where did you lose them?
“你在哪儿丢了?” |
“And why do you think that is?
“你认为这是什么原因?” |
“And with such a weapon, I could defeat Ares.
“有了这样的武器,我可以打败阿瑞斯。” |
“And you're going home now, not knowing?
“那么你就这样盲目地回家去?” |