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It could be found that Paecilomyces farinosus (Dicks. ex. Fr.) Brown et Smith were parasited by Melanospora parasitica Tulasne in dead insect bodies.
林间罹病虫尸上,可见粉质拟青霉被寄生黑孢壳Melanospora parasitica Tulasne寄生。

It complicates the "etiquette conflict",which centered on how western missionary should see Chinese ceremonies,helps with the establishment of the Franch parish and gives birth to French Sinology. 它使外国传教士如何对待中国礼仪的“礼仪之争”问题更加复杂,它促成了法国传教区的成立和促进了法国汉学的诞生。
It concludes that as an ironist,Hoffmann has represented the disharmonious and immature society of Germany in 9th century; 作为讽刺作家,霍夫曼描述了9世纪德国社会的不和谐与不成熟;
It confirmed the formula of urging growth materials is cane sugar 7%, casein peptone %, urea 7%; 确定了促生长物质的配方结果为:蔗糖7%,酪蛋白胨%,脲7%;
It consisted of redness, putrescence, burning pain, heat, tickle, numbness papules, macules, maculopapules, urticaria and plaques on local area. Some cases complained of general unconformability (7.%), fantod ( .7%) and swelling of lymph nodes (.8). 果自愿者皮肤被幼虫触刺后,表现为红、肿、痛、热,烧灼、麻木感,继而呈现丘疹、斑丘疹、斑块、风团块,部分病例出现周身不适7.%,烦燥 .7%,腋下淋巴结肿大.8%。 豚鼠皮疹病理切片见表皮水疱、脓疱改变。
It could also increase in patients with counting test and TTT for mental stress assessment,and the average pacing rate touched 次/min while the top was 87.7次/min(8~9次/min),and it was 次/min before TTT while the top was 9 .7次/min(8~0次/min). 例以算数法与倾斜试验法进行精神负荷测试对比者,种方法起搏频率均可明显加快,倒计数法测试前平均起搏心率次/min,测试中最高起搏频率平均87.7次/min(8~9次/min),倾斜试验测试前平均起搏心率次/min,测试中最高起搏频率平均9 .7次/min(8~0次/min)。
It could be found that Paecilomyces farinosus (Dicks. ex. Fr.) Brown et Smith were parasited by Melanospora parasitica Tulasne in dead insect bodies. 林间罹病虫尸上,可见粉质拟青霉被寄生黑孢壳Melanospora parasitica Tulasne寄生。
It could detect /ml( sterne strain )or 70 /ml ( Pasteur Ⅱstrain). 该方法特异性强 ,敏感性可达 个菌/ml(无毒炭疽芽孢菌菌株 )和70个菌/ml(II号炭疽芽孢菌菌株 )。
It covers frequency range 0.~0 kHz. 频率覆盖范围0.~0 kHz.
It discusses Hemingway Heroes' strong willed,indomitable,confident spirits and their “grace under pressure” in face of nada through their acknowledgement of a new self and their ascertainment of a new existence. 他们在认识到价值沦丧的社会中生存的迷惘和虚空后 ,没有沉沦 ,而是直面荒诞的人生 ,在行动中认识自我 ,探索新的存在 ,最终凝练出了自信、刚毅、强悍的“重压下的优雅”精神。
It discusses mainly the political and economical background when Seneca wrote these three essays in order to let people understand the real political reason why Seneca wrote them. 这一章主要是讨论塞涅卡写作三论时罗马社会政治和经济上种种复杂而尖锐的矛盾和斗争,阐述塞涅卡写作三论的主要政治目的和动机。
It discusses the composing and the pins' function of EPK 0TC- in detail,and also introduces the principle of download-line and tells how to conjoin the electric circuit. 详细讨论了EPK 0TC- 的管脚功能以及该芯片最小系统的构成,还介绍了下载线的原理和电路连接方法。

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