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Try to be happy-go-lucky with your work and family life.

Try to avoid using the combination of black as a back ground with warm color text, as it might be great clarity wise but has a tendency to make visitors nauseous. 要避免使用黑色背景搭配暖色文字,虽然这样可以做到分明但有让访问者感觉厌烦的趋势(太刺眼)。
Try to avoid watching shows that may convey stereotypes or inappropriate messages for children, the AAP says. AAP专家表示,要努力避免让孩子看到那些内容不健康的电视节目。
Try to balance your diet by eating more fruit and less protein. 多吃些水果, 少摄入些蛋白质, 使饮食均衡合理.
Try to be brave when you're hurting. 试着勇敢地面对你所受到的伤害。
Try to be diplomatic when you refuse her invitation, so as not to cause bad feeling. 谢绝她的邀请时要注意式,以免引起不快。
Try to be happy-go-lucky with your work and family life. 对工作和家庭,做个乐天派的人。
Try to be hyena happy with your life and peacock proud of your occupation. 把你的生活过得高高兴兴,并且为你的职业感到自豪。
Try to be more objective about it. 尽量更客观地对待此事吧。
Try to be nice to my father when he visits. 我父亲到这里来时尽量对他好些.
Try to be patient with Mrs. Tanner, she means well. 对杜纳太太要耐心点,她是好意的。
Try to be tolerant of the moods of those around you. 对周围人的情绪保持宽容。

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