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As far as the feelings contained are concerned, her Ci not only differed from that of other females, but also that of male writers in that her Ci contains femininity and gentleness as well as grandness and unconventionality.

As far as the base price is concerned, we want to do it in US dollars. 关于这个底价,我们要求以美元来支付。
As far as the data telegram text receiving and dispatching time determination is concerned, there are multitudinous different viewpoints and legislations, among which, the leavingdispatch standard and the estimatedreceipt regulation have more rationality. 关于数据电文的收发时间的确定存在着众多不同的观点和做法,而以“脱离”发出标准和“推定”到达规则分别确定数据电文的发送与收到时间,则具有一定的合理性。
As far as the development of world history is concerned, more than one hundred years ago the great thinker Marx foresaw that the world would developed into a united world, which caused great change of concept of history. 就世界历史的发展而言,伟大的思想家马克思就曾经在一百多年前预见到将来世界会发展成为一个整体世界,从而引起了历史观的伟大变革。
As far as the enterprise is concerned, the risk is a kind of cost: In anticipation recessive cost and afterwards actual cost. 对企业而言,风险是一种成本:事前的隐性成本和事后的实际成本。
As far as the eye can see now, the hills are almost bare, thinly peppered with charred, thin tree trunks, the old guard of a once proud past. 现在,目之所及,几乎都是光秃的小山,山上稀疏地分布着烧焦的细树干,就像是它们曾经引以骄傲的昔日时光的守护者。
As far as the feelings contained are concerned, her Ci not only differed from that of other females, but also that of male writers in that her Ci contains femininity and gentleness as well as grandness and unconventionality. 就词情而言,这表现在她有“丈夫气”,不同于一般女子,同时她又是女子,不同于普通士大夫男性作家,因而她的创作既有女性细腻温婉的一面,同时也有倜傥、慷慨的一面。
As far as the general mixed-linear model is concerned, this paper explores the two-staged prediction of the linear combination about the fixed effects, and the random effects and meanwhile an approximate computation formula is derived for the mean square 摘要对一般的线性混合模型,研究其固定效应与随机效应线性组合的两步预测问题,给出了两步预测均方误差的一个近似计算公式,为比较不同方差分量估计的优劣性进一步奠定了基础。
As far as the latter is concerned, Mao who was brought up in the literati in Zhejiang received his earliest cultural baptism from the humanity heritage of the area. 就继承传统而言,从两浙文化圈中走出的茅盾,其最初的文化接受便是两浙人文传统。
As far as the layman is concerned, the practical results of all this expenditure of money and efforts are negligible. 照我们这些门外汉看,我们耗费那么多金钱和努力所取得的成就是微乎其微的。
As far as the obligation of case is concerned, there is a sharp contradiction between the update nation law and the social reality. 就案件处理结果所涉及的民事责任承担问题,我国现行法律之规定与现实之间的矛盾颇为尖锐。
As far as the official seals are concerned, they shall be approved by the public security bureau and keep in line with the ratified size, style language, and number of the official seal. 对刻制公章的,应当查验由公安部门出具的准刻证明,并按照规定的规格、字样、文字和数量刻制。

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