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Without his roe, like a dried herring: flesh, flesh, how art thou fishified!

Without hesitating, the Simpleton went back to the fat toad and said, I am supposed to take home the most beautiful woman. 「缺心眼」立刻下去找大蟾蜍,说:「我要把世界上最美丽的姑娘带回家!」
Without hesitation, Mr Wilson answered, All right, dear. How much is it? 威尔逊先生毫不犹豫地回答:“很好,亲爱的,多少钱?”
Without hesitation, the monkey jumped over and frightened away the bird. 猴子毫不犹豫地迅速跳了过去,吓跑了这只鸟。
Without him my first night in China would have turned out absolutely awful. 要是没有他,我在中国度过的第一夜绝对会是糟糕的。
Without him we might have come away from the North West two points further behind the Red Devils. 如果不是他,我们将在与红魔的平局后再次带着一分回家。
Without his roe, like a dried herring: flesh, flesh, how art thou fishified! 瞧他孤零零的神气,倒像一条风干的咸鱼。
Without hope, there's no effort. 没有希望,便没有努力。
Without ideal, there is no secure direction. 没有理想,就没有坚定的方向。
Without identifying the blood donor implicated in the disorder, transfusion reactions or TRALI will be inevitable. 没有寻获造成问题的捐血者,类似的输血反应或急性肺损伤将无法避免。
Without illumination, much is hidden. 没有光明,很多就被隐藏。
Without inflammation, blood in the pericardial sac would be called hemopericardium. 在心包腔里没有炎症仅有出血,称作心包积血。

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