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Just now from your oral presentation, during your whole study of three years, what's the incidence of hypoglycemia in both groups?

Just my shirt and jeans. 我就穿衬衣和牛仔裤。
Just name it. 说吧。
Just name your price. 你开价吧。
Just north of downtown, one of Miami's oldest African-American neighbourhoods, Overtown, is on the upswing. 作为迈阿密最早的非裔美国人街区之一的上城,就位于市区以北,正处在复兴阶段。
Just notice how much emphasis is given to cleanliness in religious places, how much attention is given to having pious thoughts in such places. 相信大家都有注意到,关于在这些严谨的地方应该如何保持清洁的许多重点在上面已经给出了。
Just now from your oral presentation, during your whole study of three years, what's the incidence of hypoglycemia in both groups? 在您这项研究的三年期间,两组的低血糖发生情况如何?
Just now he came by me. 他刚刚从我身边走过。
Just now he had walked off without listening to the lady who was addressing him; now he detained by his talk a lady who wanted to get away from him. 原先他没有听完对话人的话就走开了,此刻他却说些闲话来拦住需要离开他的对话人。
Just now the school's Vice-Principal gave me a phone call, 8,228 yuan was raised for Jinghong from the over 1,500 teachers, students and people from different parts of society today. 刚才学校的副校长给我打来电话,今天1500余师生和社会各界人士共为小京红捐款8228元。
Just now there was nothing. 这个时候却还很安静。
Just now you asked me to clarify the truth about the allegation of China stealing US militarv secrets. 刚才,你要我说明关于所谓中国盗窃美国军事机密的问题。

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