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The concepts of digestion and absorption; Characteristics of gut smooth muscle; The character, component and function of gastric juice; Gastric receptive relaxation and gastric peristalsis; Forms of small intestine motor; Absorption and mechanism of mostl

The conception that holds to be true the existence of eco-theory is its basic philosophical back-up and cultural support; the theory that valorizes the play is its aesthetic category which breaks through the Heidegerian doctrine of the world contesting ag “生态论的存在观”是其基本的哲学支撑与文化立场;“四方游戏说”是其主要美学范畴,是海德格尔对“世界与大地争执”理论的突破;“诗意地栖居”与“技术地栖居”相对,将审美引向人的审美地生存;“家园意识”针对现代社会人的茫然之感,具有本源性特点;“场所意识”则与人的具体生活环境及对其感受息息相关;“参与美学”反映了生态美学以主体所有感受力参与审美建构的特点;“生态批评”是生态美学观的实践形态。
The conception, programs and principles of urban freeway landscape impact assessment is put forward, and relate mathematic models are also built. 在该方法中对指标的概念和标准化处理方法做了改进,计算函数更为实用和完备,并充分考虑了公衆关注度的因素,体现了观念的更新。
The concepts for the long period oscillation improvement in Hwa-Lien Harbor include destroying the wave field structure of the incident waves, reducing the incident wave energy, and dissipating the energy of long period wave in the harbor. 至目前为止,有关花莲港长周期振盪多认为集中于颱风作用时期,而改善的构想则大致有:破坏入射波的波场结构、削减入射波能、以及消散港内的长波能量。
The concepts involved in manipulating human behavior are found by many people both within and outside the Agency to be distasteful and unethical. 这个观念卷入熟练操纵人的行为,它被机构内外的许多人发现是令人讨厌的和不道德。
The concepts of Synthetic a priori judgments, form of intuitionand categories of understandingraised by Kant are idealist a priorism. 摘要康德提出的“直观形式”、“知性范畴”以及“先天综合判断”等概念,是唯心主义的先验论,曾遭到西方不同哲学流派的否定与批判。
The concepts of digestion and absorption; Characteristics of gut smooth muscle; The character, component and function of gastric juice; Gastric receptive relaxation and gastric peristalsis; Forms of small intestine motor; Absorption and mechanism of mostl 消化和吸收的概念;消化管平滑肌的特性;胃液的性质、成分和作用;胃的容受性舒张和蠕动;小肠运动的形式;主要营养物质在小肠内的吸收及机制。
The concepts of synthesis source and field in synthesis reasoning were introduced into decision systems in rough set theory. 将综合推理中的综合源和场引入到粗糙集理论的决策系统中。
The concepts of the global (local) resolvent-type error bounds for set-valued quasi variational inclusions are presented, which can be used to analyze the convergence rates of various methods. 摘要提出了集值拟变分包含的全局预解类误差界的概念,给出集值拟变分包含的全局预解类误差界。
The concepts presented in this lecture will consider an ideal world in which there are no constraints to the use of fertilizer. 这个讲座所介绍的概念带有理想化的色彩,也就是说,我们假设肥料的使用是没有限制的。
The concepts taught in class are discussed in the context of aerospace communication systems: aircraft communications, satellite communications, and deep space communications. 课程讲授的观念是在太空通讯系统的范畴下进行讨论,其范围有:飞行器通讯、卫星通讯及外太空通讯。
The conceptual basis of the invention is based on the identification of a Rapamycin specific target and complex formation, which enabled the design and production of recombination fusion proteins as the basis for a simple ELISA based chromogenic reaction. 一种雷帕霉素特异性靶点的鉴定和复合物的形成,是这项发明的概念基础,它们使重组融合蛋白的设计和生产成为一项基于显色反应的简单酶联免疫吸附分析的基础。

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