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Maybe heōll fall for it this time! Ha, ha.

Maybe he should resign in the spirit of accountability in Hong Kong. 也许他应该辞职以体现香港的问责精神。
Maybe he was just too busy today. 也许他今天太忙不来了。
Maybe he's in the teachers' office. 他可能在教师办公室。
Maybe her life will take a turn for the better soon. 或许她的生活会很快好转的。
Maybe he’s in the teachers’ office. 可能他在老师办公室。
Maybe heōll fall for it this time! Ha, ha. 这一次它可望落入陷阱。哈!哈!
Maybe i am not your best choice at present,but i will be competent in a short time through my hard work and ability. 可能短时间内,我不是您的最佳人选,但我积极好学,接受能力强,在很短时间内便能胜任。
Maybe if he looked closely enough, but he would probably chalk that up to luck and an outlier year. 也许有人真的够仔细看到了这些数据,但他可能只会认为这是运气而且只是昙花一现的一年。
Maybe if you play a Direct apporach another schedule would work better. 也许如果你球队的风格市直传那么其他的训练项目可能效果更好一些。
Maybe if you play a game long enough, you'll be able to make those changes. 或许当你参与比赛的时间够久,你就能够改变游戏规则。
Maybe in a few years, you too can run in a marathon. 也许再过几年,你也能参加马拉松赛跑。

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