Earnest efforts must be made to optimize China's macro-regulatory system and the modern market system, to rationalize and regulate various economic relations and to perfect the economic legal system.
15要着眼于完善宏观调控体系,完善现代市场体系,理顺和规范经济关系,完善经济法律制度。 |
Earnest environmental concerns are also starting to flip well-worn phrases on their heads.
热切关注的环境问题也开始翻动那些耳熟能详的短语。 |
Earnest study of XXX's fecund and profound thinkings on the subject of science well as philosophy is of great significance to us.
认真研究麦克斯韦的丰富而深刻的科学及哲学思想,对于我们有着重要的意义,而且对于加强素质教育,培植科学精神同样具有重要的现实意义。 |
Earnest, responsible and professional is what I am.
我是一个认真,负责和具有良好职业道德的人。 |
Earnestly hope your pleasant voyage.
衷心希望您旅途愉快。 |
Earnestly implement the customer service to allow customers satisfiedwith the purpose.
切实履行“为客户服务,让客户满意”的宗旨。 |
Earnestly invite all investors to invest jointly, cooperatively or solely in the projects such as farm produce logistic project, production base project for non-contamination food, green food and organic food, modern construction agriculture base project,
欢迎以合资、合作(或独资)的方式投资农产品物流项目,无公害食品、绿色食品和有机食品基地建设,现代设施农业基地建设,农产品加工项目等。 |
Earnestly welcome all traders to purchase our products or to cooperate in all kinds of ways, e.g. regional dealership, etc.
欢迎各地经销商定货或采用签定区域销售代理等各种方式进行合作。 |
Earning money and spending money are big problems not only to the adults but also to the kids.
挣钱和花钱,不论是对于成年人,还是小孩子,都是两个很重要的问题。 |
Earning my wings was the culmination of a childhood dream that I had set for myself after my first plane ride at the age of five.
我也和他们一样,深深地迷恋上了飞机和冒险,以及给予他人帮助。 |
Earning points in the clubhouse for his grit, Damon avoided the disabled list, working through a broken sesamoid bone in his right foot that caused lower back and leg problems.
大门以他的胆识在球队赢得地位,纵使他的右脚软骨破裂,造成下背部和腿都有问题,他仍然没有进到伤兵名单。 |