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The [b]behind-the-scene[/b] foreigners have been working with about 70 Chinese foreign language professors for six weeks to translate major reports of the NPC and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) into the six languages, Wang 中央编译局副局长王学东在接受《中国日报》的采访时说,这些堪称“幕后英雄”的外国专家和我国约70位外国语教授们一起奋战六周,将两会涉及的主要报告翻译成了六种语言。
The [b]court decreed[/b] that [b]in as much as[/b] the house was our daughter Jessie's home, my ex-wife Rita got it 100% even though it was[b] community property[/b]. 法院判决由于这个房子是我们女儿杰西的家,所以我的前妻全部拥有(这个房子),虽然它是夫妻共同财产。
The [clearest] measure of [stability] is the exchange value of [a] currency over time. 随着时间的流逝,货币的兑换价成为衡量货币稳定性最直接的方法。
The [coalition] effort to capture Al-Hillah was unsuccessful. 联军攻占西拉镇的努力是不成功的。
The [color=Blue]hard fut[/color] battle for recognition has been won, but it is by no means over. 这场艰苦的女性能力认可战虽已打赢,却远未终结。
The [html] tag allows you to perform syntax highlighting for HTML code. 标签允许您针对HTML程式码展现出语法高亮度显示。
The [last] straw that broke the camel's back was the failure of the Motorola Co. to win a large share of the Japanese cellular phone market. 最后令(美国)再也不能容忍的事件就是:摩托罗拉公司未能争取到较大的日本手提电话市场。
The [verdict] against Saddam has received mixed reactions. 这个对萨达姆的判决遇到了各种各样的反应。
The \'taxi\' is a small Swiss aeroplane called a \'Pilatus Porter\'. 这辆`出租汽车\'是一架小型瑞士飞机,叫`皮勒特斯.波特\'。
The ^ operator yields the bitwise XOR (exclusive OR) of its arguments, which must be plain or long integers. The arguments are converted to a common type. 运算符进行比特级的XOR(异或)运算,参数必须是普通整数或长整数.参数转换成通用类型.
The ________ of cancer cases across the country is not at all even. 癌症在全国分布得一点没有规律 .

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