Members of the False Memory Spindrome Club continue to find the doors open in New York publishing houses for their ill-founded misinformation while authors who would point to the FMSF's roster of CIA spychiatrist members and its persecutorial purpose, col
错误的记忆综合症的成员继续寻找打开纽约时报出版商的门,为了他们无确实理由的误传,他们将指出CIA的精神病学家成员的错误记忆综合症的名簿以及它的迫害目的的作者,收集退稿附条。 |
Members of the Funful Junior Road Safety Patrol visited Yakult Factory in Tai Po Industrial Estate. They viewed the production procedure of Yakult on the production lines and through movie.
交通安全队队员由队监带领下,参观大埔工业村益力多工场,职员向队员详细讲解产品的制造过程,又透过电影欣赏、实地到厂房参观生产线等,进一步对食品的认识和了解。 |
Members of the Hong Kong Garrison shall not engage in any other activity incompatible with their functions and responsibilities as servicemen.
香港驻军人员并不得从事与军人职责不相称的其他任何活动。 |
Members of the House of Commons are elected either at a General Election, when all the seats are contested, or at a by-election held when an MP dies or resigns, or is given a peerage.
下议院议员或经过所有的议席都可竞争的大选选出,或是在议员去世,辞职或者受封为贵族时经补缺选举而产生。 |
Members of the Society indulge in a wide range of criminal (sometimes almost terrorist) activities and argue for the overthrow of the stifling chains of society.
这个组织的成员总是沉溺于进行大范围的犯罪(通常是恐怖活动)并企图推翻现在沉闷的社会。 |
Members of the Standing Committee of the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and leading officials of relevant departments also attended the meeting as nonvoting delegates.
中央纪律检查委员会常务委员会委员和有关方面负责同志列席了会议。 |
Members of the Standing Committee shall be elected by the National People's Congress from among its deputies.
常务委员会的组成人员由全国人民代表大会从代表中选出。 |
Members of the U.K. royal family look indifferent except Princess Diana.
除了戴安娜王妃之外, 英王室成员看上去冷 漠缺乏热情. |
Members of the U.S. space agency, NASA, traveled to the courthouse in Orlando to make sure astronaut Nowak was safe.
美国空间站国家航空和宇宙航行局的成员来到奥兰多法院确保宇航员诺瓦克的安全。 |
Members of the U.S.-led coalition in Iraq acted as advisers during Wednesday's raid.
以美国为首的驻伊拉克联军在星期三的突袭行动中担任了顾问的角色。 |
Members of the Working Party took note of the specific arrangements that would apply for fertilizers and crude and processed oil.
工作组成员注意到将适用于化肥及原油和成品油的具体安排。 |