One slice of another dimension is what we call dreams, one step further to control the dreams is called lucid-dreaming, another step is controlling the pass-over from awakened-state to sleep-state to full-consciousness, and one such state of consciousness
其他维度之一是我们所谓的梦境,更进一步,控制梦境称作清醒的梦,再向前一步,则是控制由清醒状态至睡眠状态至完全知觉状态的转换,这样的知觉状态可以称作脱体经验或灵游。 |
One slip and you could fall off the cliff.
脚下一滑就可能从悬崖上跌下去. |
One slip on this mountain and you will fall into the abyss .
在这座山上一失足便会跌入万丈深渊。 |
One small atomic warhead detonated at the optimum altitude over the U.S. “could have a very serious effect on communications, electronics and all sorts of systems—a devastating effect on our society and everyone else's, too,” states Robert S.
随著核子武器与弹道飞弹技术逐渐流传到潜在敌对国家,甚至恐怖份子手中,全球卫星系统未来面临的威胁也逐渐升高。 |
One small fire in the kitchen will cover the whole house in soot.
一个厨房里的小火炉就会把整个房子都熏黑。 |
One small mistake can lead to chaos. Ambiguous speech can be distorted. Impatience can lead to business failure. To have good causes and conditions, bear your mistreatment by others.
一事不小心,方寸大乱;三句不对理,必遭反驳;十分不耐烦,事业难成;万事学吃亏,万方来会。 |
One smell of the rotten meat was enough!
这腐烂的肉闻一下就够受的了。 |
One smoker in/out of four in that country dies from smoking.
那个国家四分之一的烟民死于吸烟。 |
One snowman asked another one: do you smell carrot?
一个雪人问另一个雪人:“你有没有闻到一股胡萝卜的味道?” |
One soldier scoops his severed arm off the sand, staggering on in a desperate attempt to keep up with his squad.
有个士兵从沙里挖出炸断的手臂,绝望地蹒跚向前,试图赶上小队。 |
One sole poet has not to sing one aged song.
一个单独的诗人,不必去唱一支旧歌。 |