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You just can't compare Tom and Bryan.

You jump your piece over into the free square and the taken piece is removed from the board. 你把你的棋子跳到那个空格里,被吃掉的那个棋子就得从棋盘上拿掉。
You jump, but you come down all the same. 跳得再高,还是会落地。
You just bulldoze your way into English language. 你不要怕这怕那,大胆地学你的英语吧。
You just call out my name, 你刚才喊我的名字,
You just can't compare Hawaii and Alaska. 你压根儿没法把夏威夷同阿拉斯加相比。
You just can't compare Tom and Bryan. 你无法比较汤姆和布莱恩。
You just can't get away with it. 你是逃不掉上天的惩罚的。
You just can't let it keep you down. 你只是不能让他来控制你。
You just don′t walk up to someone, hand her a bouquet of flowers and say, Hey, rememberme? 你总不能走到她跟前,给她献上一束花,对她说喂,还记得我吗?
You just drop off a passenger, why can't I take your taxi ? 你???皒走?,点解唔载我?你的乘客刚下车,为什麽我不可以坐你的车?
You just feel like doing nothing but taking a shower and cooling off. 你简直什么也不想干,只想洗个淋浴凉快凉快。

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