With his diminishing ranks and inability to hold the Scourge throng, he capitulated to the offer to join the Sentinel.
随著他对天遣大军的战争中逐渐消耗的士兵以及无力感,他有条件的接受了了铁卫军的邀请。 |
With his empty heart and ripped and cripple soul, will Voldemort find the joy and optimism in himself to successfully conjure one?
他的空洞的心灵和被撕碎扭曲的灵魂能够让他找到快乐和激情来召唤守护神吗? |
With his excellent grades, he'll get a scholarship to Princeton.
他的成绩那么好,拿奖学金上普林斯顿大学没有问题。 |
With his fading footsteps still hovering around, she will continue this perpetual awaiting.
你似乎清晰听见他离去的脚步声,可你的等待却已千年。 |
With his finger he marks out a groove in the stone table.
他在那里正一个劲儿在那石墙上用手指划那道凹槽。 |
With his food running out, the men had to come out of his hiding-place.
由于食物吃完了,那人才不得不从藏身处出来。 |
With his friends, he pounds rocks into pebbles which they hope to sell to contractors, if and when local officials move to repair the dilapidated road that runs down from Lajas, in Peru's northern Andes, to the Pacific coast.
小家伙的希望很是茫然,因为只有在地方官员打算修复一条泥烂不堪的道路时才能有些机会,这条路从位于秘鲁北部安第斯山脉的拉加斯城通向太平洋海岸。 |
With his gift of the gab, he should make an excellent politician.
由于他的口才,他应该能成为一位优秀的政治家。 |
With his large snapping heads and aggressive, unpredictable behavior, Jakiro is an intimidating creature to say the least, yet is loyal to the Sentinel for reasons all his own.
藉著一对迅敏凶猛的龙首以及无可捉摸的习性,名为贾奇洛的他成了头令人闻风丧胆的生物,但他却为著自己的一套理由而甘为铁卫军效力。 |
With his left foot Emre volleys just wide of the right post from the left side of the Cagliari goal.
埃姆雷在对方禁区的左策用他的左脚射门,偏出右门柱。 |
With his lips the sly fly clipped the slippery slipper that eclipsed his sight.
狡猾的苍蝇用嘴唇夹住遮挡他视线的滑拖鞋。 |