The 55m patrol vessel uses a steel monohull with a round bilge semi-displacement hull, incorporating very fine V-shaped frames in the forward sections.
无畏级护卫舰建造运用单层半扩张船壳,船前身运用V形龙骨。 |
The 58 people who have left the staff, about one-third of those she inherited, are but the most visible evidence of the thorough change in culture over which she is presiding—or, rather, the most audible evidence, judging by the vociferous public complain
至今基金会已有58名工作人员离职(相当于她接手时总人数的近三分之一),这正是她对基金会文化实施全面改革的最“明显”例证——或者从某些离职的人公开高声抱怨来看,更准确地说应该是最“响亮”的例证。 |
The 58th Festival de Cannes opens on Wednesday in the glamorous Riviera resort, offering up the annual orgy of Hollywood glitz , showbiz excess and a bewildering number of films both in and out of competition.
第五十八届戛纳电影节本周三(5月11日)在迷人的里维埃拉避暑胜地拉开帷幕,随之而来的是一年一度的充满好莱坞炫彩风格的狂欢,商业活动铺天盖地,精彩电影令人目不暇接。 |
The 5:15 train to Jamaica left on time.
五点十五分到牙买加的火车准时离开。 |
The 5km-long and 1km-wide park was constructed in 1789 by Elector Karl Theodor.
这个长5公里、宽1公里的公园,是由选帝侯卡尔·特奥多尔于1789年建造的。 |
The 5th China Changchun International Automobile Fair is coming after more than seven hundred days of longering.
两年的等待,七百多个日日夜夜的期盼,终于迎来了备受瞩目的第五届长春车展。 |
The 5th Dublin Core Metadata Workshop: a report and observations,” 2 Dec. 1997, <http://www.nla.gov.au/nla/staffpaper/helsinki.html>.
注5:吴政叡,「元资料实验系统和都柏林核心集的发展趋势」,国立中央图书馆台湾分馆馆刊4卷2期(民86年12月),页18。 |
The 5th start go to work of, yesterday and the day before yesterday please morning along while of false, yesterday afternoon lateness.
5号开始上班的,昨天和前天请了早上半天的假,昨天下午迟到了。 |
The 6 achievements on Ion Beam Bio-engineering of Low Energy were outlined.
摘要简述了低能离子束生物技术在6个主要方面的研究成果。 |
The 6 regions, including the contiguo us areas of southwest Sichuan and northwest Yunnan, the west part of Sichuan, th e contiguous areas of Sichuan, Guizhou, Hubei and Hunan etc. , should be conside red as the key ones for conservation in the Yangtze Bas
川西南滇西北、川西高山峡谷区、川鄂湘黔接壤区、南岭山地北部6个区域成为长江流域自然保护的关键区域。 |
The 6'7Jefferson would be a nice addition, not just for his youth and athleticism, but also for his scoring punch.
6尺7寸的杰夫森可能是个很好的补充,不仅仅是他的年轻和运动能力,还有他个人的得分能力。 |