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He also said his choice of a Nazi uniform for a fancy dress party earlier this year was a very stupid thing to do and I've learnt my lesson.

He also said Iraqis fumbled Saddam Hussein's execution. 他同时表示伊拉克人盲目地摸索了萨达姆·侯赛因死刑。
He also said Madrid had exaggerated the issue. 他认为,马德里在这个问题上太小题大做了。
He also said South Korea will discuss with the North making use of road or rail links when President Roh Moo-hyun crosses the peninsula's heavily fortified border to attend the summit in Pyongyang. 他还表示,韩国总统卢武玄这个月晚些时候将跨过重兵把守的边界到平壤参加会谈时,将与北韩讨论利用两国公路和铁路联线的问题。
He also said he was going to Ground Zero to help: This isn't something I can just sit around and not care about; I have to do something! 他还说他要去现场帮忙∶「这不是我能只坐著不理的事,我一定要做些事!」
He also said he would also push for a crackdown on Chinese internet sites that sell performance-enhancing drugs. 他还说,将会敦促有关方面加强对销售运动兴奋剂的中国互联网站的打击力度。
He also said his choice of a Nazi uniform for a fancy dress party earlier this year was a very stupid thing to do and I've learnt my lesson. 他还说今年年初在参加一个化装晚会时身穿纳粹军装是“一件非常愚蠢的事情,我也从这件事情中吸取了教训”。
He also said last winter's build-up has met military objectives in large measure. 他同样指出,去年冬季的建军数量已在很大程度上达到了军事目的。
He also said placing all of the country's nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain would help protect against terrorist attacks6. 他还说,把全国所有的核废料安置在加卡山脉将有助于防止恐怖主义袭击。
He also said that given his current unhealthy financial status, these terms in the agreement put him with tremendous financial pressure. 他表示,目前他的经济状况非常紧张,而这些应付款额给他造成很大压力。
He also said that they are determined to bring an end to terrorism. 他还说,他们决心消灭恐怖主义。
He also said to him, I am the LORD, who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldeans to give you this land to take possession of it. 7耶和华又对他说、我是耶和华、曾领你出了迦勒底的吾珥、为要将这地赐你为业。

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