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Some serious problems are currently faced by bamboo biodiversity conservation such as taxonomic confusions, lack of resource information, weak research ability, and serious destruction.

Some seismologists say because Saturday's magnitude 7.6 quake appears to have been very shallow, with much of the violent activity occurring near the earth's surface, it could be more damaging compared to other quakes of similar magnitude. 有些地震学家说:星期六这个7.6级的地震非常浅层;由于地表有剧烈板块运动,它的破坏力相较于其他数相似的地震可能会更强一点。
Some self-regulation is in place. 这个行业已经有一些自律规则。
Some senior Romanian officials and politicians have lost their jobs and even their freedom. 一些罗马尼亚的高官政要被摘走了乌纱帽,甚至身陷囹圄。
Some senior academician were retired to make room for younger and successful scientists. 科学院的部分资深院士提出退休,以便为更年轻有为的科学家腾出位置。
Some sense of community may have been developed using conference calling, but it would be a stretch to claim humanization through this process. 通过电话会议,一些集体意识可能得到提高,但如果要说通过这个过程达到人性化,恐怕还有待努力.
Some serious problems are currently faced by bamboo biodiversity conservation such as taxonomic confusions, lack of resource information, weak research ability, and serious destruction. 摘要在竹类植物生物多样性保护工作中存在竹类分类混乱、资源不清、研究基础薄弱和竹类资源破坏严重等问题。
Some service providers offer mailing list capabilities. This is a valuable plus if you plan sending out email to a large number of users. 一些服务提供商提供邮件表容量。如果你想把邮件发给大量用户,这是很有价值的添加物。
Some settled bariaurs tend toward neutrality in their approach to good, while few stray from pure good to neutrality. 有些定居的半人羊则在追求善良中倾向理念中立,有些则在漂泊中从善良转向善恶中立。
Some shareholder nations have claimed the bureaucracy is bloated and inefficient, resulting in endless wrangling between the board and management over budget issues. 一些股东国家则称,世界银行的官僚体系庞大臃肿、效率低下,导致董事会与管理层在一些预算问题上争吵不休。
Some shareholders threatened legal action. 有些股东威胁要采取法律行动。
Some shopaholics are diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder, which can also be treated with the aid of a psychologist or psychiatrist. 有些购物狂被诊断为强迫症,而这同样可以在心理学家或精神科医师的帮助下来进行治疗的。

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