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And there's talk of restoring Mendel's beehive (he bred bees in an attempt to confirm his pea data) and selling Mendel honey.

And there's almost a gold rush type phenomena that we're seeing here. 而且几乎有我们正在这里看见的淘金潮类型现象。
And there's always the option of relocating to an area with lower living costs. 而且总是还有一种选择,就是搬到生活成本比较低的地方。
And there's more: during the 1980s and early 1990s, first as a staffer on Capitol Hill and then at the National Security Council, he enabled the running-down of the CIA's human resources. 还有更多:在1980年代即1990年代早期,田南开始作为国会的雇员,后来成为国家安全委员会成员,他对中央情报局的人事混乱负有责任。
And there's new features, like the sound and the CD ROM, which are part of what goes into that system. 而且有新的特征,像声音和激光唱碟ROM,是进入那个系统的东西的部份。
And there's no doubt in my mind that he would make an excellent blogger. Actually, he'd likely be a blogging guru. 我很确信马克吐温也可以成为优秀的博客。其实,他很有可能就是博客的宗师。
And there's talk of restoring Mendel's beehive (he bred bees in an attempt to confirm his pea data) and selling Mendel honey. 有人提议复原孟德尔的蜂巢(他试图利用蜜蜂的育种来确定从豌豆所得的数据),并贩卖孟德尔牌蜂蜜。
And there's the searchlight effect, where you shine a light on a screen far away and move your arm in a circle. 还有就是探照灯效应,你将一束光照在远处的一个屏幕上然后用你的手画圈。
And there's wonderful tug of war that I love in a love story. 我很喜欢在一部爱情片中有这样戏剧化的冲突。
And there, glowing with a faint blue light in the glass test tubes on the tables, was the mysterious something which they had worked so hard to find: Radium. 在那儿,在桌子上的玻璃试管中,正闪烁着微弱的蓝光,这就是他们付出极其艰辛的劳动所要寻找的那种神秘的东西:镭。
And therefore he moved uneasily on his bench. 所以,索丕躺在公园一条长凳上辗转不安。
And therefore the proof is best, when men keep their authority towards the children, but not heir purse. 聪明的父母对子女在管理上是严格的,而在用钱上不妨略宽松,这常常是有好效果的。

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