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On that night, children dress up and go door to door asking for treats or playing tricks.

On that first day, I ran down the hill and into the road (few cars ever came along it) and had the good sense to stop running before I reached the Store. 在我第一次去她家回来,我跑下山去冲到马路上(路上很少有车经过),快到店铺时我还居然没忘了停下来。
On that momentous night when Buddha attained enlightenment,it is said that he went through several different stages of awakening. 在佛陀证悟之夜,据说他历经了好几个不同的觉悟阶段。
On that night the king could not sleep, so he gave orders to bring the book of the records of the chronicles; and they were read before the king. 2正念到其上写着说,王有两个太监辟探和提列,是守门的,想要下手害亚哈随鲁王,末底改告发了他们。
On that night, a slew of stars dazzled the audience with their performances. 45那天晚上,众多明星用他们的表演让观众们看花了眼。
On that night, children dress up and go door to door asking for treats or playing ticks. 那天晚上孩子们都要打扮起来挨家挨户地要求款待或搞恶作剧。
On that night, children dress up and go door to door asking for treats or playing tricks. 在那天晚上,装扮好了的孩子们会挨家挨户地敲门,他们向主人要求款待,要不就会捣蛋。
On that occasion I turned around filled with indignation, he just kept on hitting me. 那时,我愤怒地转过身,可他还是不停地打我。
On that occasion I was not at home. 在那时场合上我不在家。
On that point I'm in sympathy with him. 在这一点上我同他一致。
On that point, Buchwald notes the medical dearth of smiles and laughter. 他说,医师和护士步入病房时总是板著脸,他的处方?
On that precious night, watching the lake, vaguely conscious, you said: Our love story is ending. 在那美丽的夜晚,眼望湖水,恍惚中听见你说:我们的爱情故事已到尽头。

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