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He travelled all around the country in the coming ten years.

He traveled east. 他向东旅行。
He traveled homeward through a region made barren by drought and dust storms. 他穿过一片由干旱和沙暴造成的荒凉不毛的地区。
He traveled to Miami and stayed, but did not formally defect. 他前往迈阿密,停留,但并没有正式的缺陷.
He traveled to different villages in Guatemala, Mexico, Belize, Salvador and Honduras searching for the most traditional Maya elders of the different nations of the Maya people. 他游历了危地马拉,墨西哥,伯利兹城,萨尔瓦多和洪都拉斯的不同村庄,在不同国家的玛雅人中寻找最传统的玛雅长者。
He traveled unaccompanied by his parents. 他没有父母陪伴而去旅行。
He travelled all around the country in the coming ten years. 在接下来的十年里他差不多走遍了整个国家。
He travelled from New York to California via the Panama Cannel. 他经由巴拿马运河从纽约到加利福尼亚。
He travelled on foot for several days until he safely reached a guerrilla base. 他徒步走了好几天,最后安全到达一个游击队根据地。
He travels for our firm. 他为我们公司旅行推销货物。
He travels in carpets for a big London firm. 他为伦敦的一家大公司到处推销地毯.
He travels the world looking for the 1)fossils of dinosaurs and other 2)prehistoric 3)creatures. 他在世界各地旅行,寻找恐龙与其他史前生物的化石。

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