Comparison of nonshivering thermogenesis induced by dosages of norepinephrine from 3 allometric equations in Brandt′s voles (Lasiopodomys brandtii)
不同去甲肾上腺素剂量下布氏田鼠非颤抖性产热比较 |
Expression and purification of human insulin-like growth factor-1 in bacteria
人胰岛素样生长因子-l的原核表达和纯化 |
Sequence and Promoter Efficacy Analysis of Avian leukosis Virus Subgroup J Strains of Different Pathotypes
不同病变型J亚群禽白血病病毒LTR启动子序列分析及活性比较 |
Research on Phylogenetic Relationship of the Part of Code Nucleotide Sequence of E2 gene of 22 Hog Cholera Virus Strains
猪瘟病毒E2基因部分核苷酸序列的遗传进化关系的研究 |
Co-expression of PPV VP2 and LTB on the Surface of Lactobacillus casei
猪细小病毒VP2与大肠杆菌不耐热肠毒素B亚单位在干酪乳杆菌表面共表达 |
Alleviation of Cadmium Toxicity to Solanum nigrum L. by Sulfur
硫缓解龙葵镉毒害效应的研究 |
Construction and Expression of Anti-human AFP ScFv Gene in BL-21 (DE3) E.coli
抗人AFP单链抗体基因的构建和在大肠杆菌中的表达 |
Construction of a Screening Vector for Signal Peptides from Bacillus subtilis and Expression of Xylanase Gene
枯草芽孢杆菌信号肽筛选载体的构建及木聚糖酶基因的表达 |
Detection on Mutagenicity of Herbicides to Grass Carp by RAPD Technique
运用RAPD技术检测除草剂对草鱼的致突变作用 |
Preparation of Immobilized Laccase on Magnetic Chitosan Microspheres and Studies of its Characters of Catalyzing Epinephrine
磁性壳聚糖微球固定化漆酶催化肾上腺素 |
Cell Differentiation and Apoptosis Associated with Nectar Secreting during the Nectary Development of Arabidopsis Thaliana L.
蜜腺发育过程中细胞分化、凋亡与泌蜜的关系 |