Huayuankou in Henan marks the starting point of the river's lower reaches.
花园口是黄河进入下游的起点,是洪水易发区域。 |
Hub - A signal distribution point for part of an overall system.
分支--整个系统各部分的信号分布点,较大的有线系统通常使用多路分支。 |
Hub A common connection point for devices or nodes in a network or sub-network. Hubs are commonly used to connect segments of a LAN and contain multiple ports.
分支器分支器是网络或子网络中设备和接点的集线器,包含很多端口,一般应用于连接局域网的分支。 |
Hub Joint and No-Hub Joint with stainless steel Coupling shall be applicable.
承口式及非承口式均可使用不?袗?压环接头接合。 |
Hubble found less embedded stars (specks of green) and stars in the foreground (blue).
哈勃望远镜则找到了埋的较浅的恒星(绿色的)和前景星(蓝的)。 |
Hubble's Top 10 illustrate that our universe is not only strange, but also impossibly beautiful.
哈勃十大杰作不仅向世人展现宇宙之奇,而且蕴含着不可思议之美。 |
Hubble's view of the nebula shows star birth in a new level of detail.
“哈勃”对该星云的观察将恒星的诞生细节提到了新的水平。 |
Hubby : Now I know why he shakes hands so warmly whenever we meet.
哈比:现在我终于知道,为什么我们每次见面,他握手会握得如此热烈。 |
Hubby : Where is it, my dear?
哈比:在哪里,亲爱的? |
Hubby: So as me narrow-minded.
老公:那我也心眼儿小。 |
Hubei Huali paper Co,Ltd is a Chinese-foreign joint venture with Malaysian Haiming Capital CO.,Ltd.
湖北华力纸业有限公司是监利县造纸厂与马来西亚海明资本有限公司共同创办的中外合资企业,年产优质机制纸1.5万吨。 |