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Now we sit through Shakespeare in order to recognize the quotations.

Now we produce 5 groups of series organic chemicals, which includes fluoro aniline, chloro aniline, phenol, kenzonitrile, acetophenone, Trifluoro methoxy, and other intermediates of pharmaceutical, pesticide and dyestuft. 现拥有氟苯胺、氯苯胺、苯酚、苯腈、苯乙酮、三氟甲氧基五大类系列有机合成化工及医药、农药染料中间体产品。
Now we reached a forest, there were many fallen trees blocking the route. 现在我们到达一片森林,许多伐倒的树木挡在路中。
Now we sat down and had a rest. My honey still drank his beloved lemon bier, hehe! 现在我们坐下来休息一下,我老公依旧喝着他心爱的柠檬啤酒,呵呵!
Now we see the ripening crops. 现在我们看到了成熟的庄稼。
Now we should draft out a contract and sign it. 现在我们起草合同,然后签字。
Now we sit through Shakespeare in order to recognize the quotations. 为了认为识其语录,且让我们耐心看完莎士比亚的戏剧吧。
Now we study on the interface motion forms of bubbles of foaming plastics based on SAS software, putting forward new study thought to optimize and adjust every condition to control the quality of cellular plastic. 利用SAS软件研究气体进入聚合物熔体时界面的运动状态,提出新的研究思路优化和调节各参数来控制发泡塑料制品的质量。
Now we supply power to nine-tenths of the city's home. 现在我们向这个城市十分之九的家庭提供电力。
Now we supply power to nine-tenths of the city's homes. 现在我们为这个城市十分之九的家庭供电。
Now we understand one another, we can make the right changes. 现在我们彼此了解,可以作适当的改变。
Now we were going to leave the beach to take a dinner. 现在我们准备离开海滩去吃晚餐。

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