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The production is built upon the foundation of the traditional puppetry skills, set amid the background of the art of indoor set, combining a modern high-tech performing mode, in a brand-new choreography.

The production efficiency of raw milk is the key factor affecting the development of dairy industry, while organization mode is the critical factor conditioning the production efficiency of raw milk. 摘要原料奶生产效率是影响乳品产业发展的关键因素之一,而组织模式又是制约原料奶生产效率的重要因素。
The production experiment of red koji was conducted with millet as raw material and Monascus purpureus being inoculated. 摘要红曲是一种天然红色素,传统生产工艺以籼米为原料。
The production facility of polypropylene (Discontinuous Entity Method ) has ever been rewarded the first for nine times in its occupation . 聚丙烯生产装置曾九次获行业(本体法)评比第一名,聚合釜、闪蒸釜的研制及工业应用获国家科技成果三等奖。
The production had brilliant colour and ideal suspension stability. 此条件下生产的草莓汁色泽鲜艳并具有良好的稳定性。
The production hall is where you set weekly production levels for your beauty products. 生产大厅是你设置美容产品每周固定的生产数量的地方。
The production is built upon the foundation of the traditional puppetry skills, set amid the background of the art of indoor set, combining a modern high-tech performing mode, in a brand-new choreography. 此剧以传统掌中技艺为基础、内台布景艺术为背景,结合现代科技的表演方式重新编排。
The production is greatly increased due to a new assembly line installed. 由于安装了新装配线, 生产量大大提高。
The production is greatly increased due to a new assembly line installed. 由于安装了新装配线,生产量大大提高。
The production line adopts high efficiency extruder, swift net changer and screw plastic blowing head. 生产线采用高效挤出机,快速换网,螺旋吹塑机头。
The production line include HX auto washer, GD balanced pressure filer, YGZ cap turning machine, SSJ carrying machine etc. 本生产流水线有HX型自动冲瓶机、GD型等压灌装机、YGZ型旋盖机及SSJ型输送机等系列产品组成。
The production line include ZPC auto washer, GD balanced pressure filer, WXZ cap turning machine, SSJ carrying machine etc. 本生产流水线ZPC型自动冲瓶机、GD型等压灌装机、WXZ型旋盖机及SSJ型输送机等系列产品组成。

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