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In so doing, one becomes one's own savior and one's own champion to continue to transcend in the journey of ascension.

In so doing, I wipe the slates of karma clear so that I may ascend home. 这么做,我将去除种种业力,好让我可以提升回家。”
In so doing, a new dance of equality can be born. 而这样,一个平等的新舞蹈就会诞生。
In so doing, all parts of self, past and present, can be assessed, the karma released, and the fractured soul reunited into a greater state of wholeness within. 这样做,自我的所有部分,过去和现在,都能被评估,业力被释放,而破裂的灵魂被再度融入一个内在更完整的状态。
In so doing, ascending humans can avoid the travesty of a natural disaster that either kills the form, or causes an upheaval in their life experience. 这样做,提升的人们可避免或毁掉形态或导致他们生命中剧变的自然界大灾难的嘲讽剧。
In so doing, earth too sees the bigger picture and becomes trapped not in the despair that would be so otherwise, due to the pain and difficulties inherent in ascending out of such density of thought-form. 这样做,地球也看到了更大的景象,并且不被绝望所捕获,否则因在超越如此思想形态的密度中所固有的痛苦与磨难,就会导致如此。
In so doing, one becomes one's own savior and one's own champion to continue to transcend in the journey of ascension. 这样,你就会成为自己的救世主从而继续跋涉提升之路。
In so doing, one can contribute greatly to the ascent of one's species. 而这么做,你也可对你种族的提升贡献甚大。
In so doing, one leaves relationship based upon karma behind. 这么做,一个人就将基于业力的关系留在身后。
In so doing, one not only become more wholewithin, but opens the gates to manifesting one's heart's desire. 这样做,你的内在不仅会变得更“整体”,还会打开显化你心之期望的大门。
In so doing, one shall become better prepared to enter the dance of holographic time which is to gradually envelop Earth in the coming 18 years. 这样做,你将为进入全息时间之舞做更好准备,该舞蹈将在未来18年逐渐覆盖地球。
In so doing, one will be more assured to ascend. 这样,你将更为保证来提升。

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