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At present, our country has been already initiated to carry out the change of role and function of the government, establish the rudiment of service administration, and it was just developing deeply.

At present, our city is making preparations for the torch relay. 目前,我市正在为火炬接力做准备。
At present, our company factory directsale Qinghua visual purple numerical code product MP4/3/U plate and soon, acts the Chinese large brand notebook computer, the dispositioncompatible computer (philips, the Tristar monitor andreputation motherboard, wei 目前,我们公司厂家直销清华紫光数码产品MP4/3/U盘等,代理华硕品牌笔记本电脑,配置兼容电脑(飞利蒲、三星显示器及誉主板、微星冠LG、明基光存储等)、承建网络工程、承包公司企业单位电脑维修等。
At present, our company has advanced mechanical equipments that could fulfill our client's needs to the plastic packing of different products, and could satisfy our clients from product designing to the finished products. 公司目前拥有先进的机械设备,从产品设计开始到成品制作,以满足客户对产品塑料外包装的各类要求。
At present, our company is engaged in manufacturing rings, bracelets, pendants, and badges, which can be inlaid with gold, silver and diamond, as well as carved and engraved with all kinds of patterns. 我厂目前的产品有戒指,手链,吊坠,手牌等系列,可镶金,银,钻石等,也可雕刻各类图案。
At present, our company owns a production plant covering building area of more than 20,000 square meters and more than 1000 employees, including more than 150 engineers and senior engineers. 为了提供优质和快捷的服务,公司在广州和深圳均设有办事处;在香港和深圳成立了独资分公司,并且在东莞设有生产基地。
At present, our country has been already initiated to carry out the change of role and function of the government, establish the rudiment of service administration, and it was just developing deeply. 当前,我国已经初步实现了政府角色和职能的转变,确立了服务行政的雏形,并正向纵深发展。
At present, our country needs women's idealism and determination, perhaps more in politics than anywhere else. 目前我们的国家也许在政治上比在其它任何方面都更需要妇女的理想主义和决心。
At present, our spacecraft are too slow to carry large numbers of people to Mars—it takes months. 眼下,我们的太空飞船太慢了---飞抵火星得花上好几个月,因此想要将大批的人送到那还不太现实.
At present, our universities face dual challenges by internationalization and industrialization. 摘要当前,我国高校面临着国际化和产业化的双重挑战。
At present, personal financing operation is still an ordinary intermediary operation, and it is far from the real handling money in the customers' steadwith few items of option and less individualized services. 摘要目前,银行的个人理财业务还只是一项普通的中间业务,理财业务产品品种少,缺乏个性化服务,并未做到真正的“代客理财”,未发挥其应有的作用。
At present, play therapy is pregnant with innovations: special considerations for the role of play therapists; the double innovations of diagnostic value and therapeutic function; the arise of short-term play therapy; the more special populations in play 目前,游戏治疗自身正孕育著一场革新:日益强调治疗师的角色特徵以及对文化的适应性;游戏的诊断价值与治疗功能的双重变革;短期游戏治疗的兴起;游戏治疗对象的专门化程度日益提高。

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