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In 1917, after the defeat of the Ottoman Turks, the area came under the control of the British.

In 1915, English nurse Edith Cavell was executed by the Germans in occupied Belgium during World War One. 1915年,一战期间,英国护士伊迪丝在德国人占领比利时后被处死。
In 1915, the inventor of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell, inaugurated US transcontinental telephone service. 1915年1月25,日贝尔发明电话,美国东西部通话开始。
In 1915, he got first cornet and was soon known around New Orleans as formidable. 1915年,他担任首席短号手,很快就享誉新奥尔良,被人们认为无人可比。
In 1916, Durant announces that Chevrolet owns 54.5 percent of GM's outstanding shares . 在1916年,杜兰特宣布,雪佛兰拥有通用公司54.5%的股份.
In 1916, the 6th South African Infantry went into action in Kenya, and were put to flight by a bayonet charge by German askaris. 一九一六年,第六南非步兵团在肯尼亚出战,抵不住德国的非洲土著兵持刺刀冲杀,大败而逃。
In 1917, after the defeat of the Ottoman Turks, the area came under the control of the British. 在1917年土耳其马人战败后,该地区成为了英国的管辖区域。
In 1917, the American expeditionary force in France suffered its first fatalities in World War One. 1917年,美国远征军在法国尝试到了一战以来的首次失败。
In 1918, Britain opened its offensive on the Western front during World War One. 在1918年,英国正式在第一次世界大战中向西方宣战!
In 1918, General Motors buys the operating assets of Chevrolet Motor Company in May. 1918年5月通用汽车公司收购了雪佛兰汽车公司的流动资产.
In 1918, Germany's Kaiser Wilhelm the Second announced he would abdicate. He then fled to the Netherlands. 1918年,德国国王威廉第二次宣布他将会退位,然后飞往荷兰。
In 1918, the Canadian steamship Princess Sophiafoundered off the coast of Alaska; nearly 400 people perished. 1918年的今天,在阿拉斯加海岸,加拿大的索菲亚公主号汽轮沉没,将近400人丧生。

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