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A loose, high-necked blouse styled after the red shirts worn by Garibaldi and his soldiers.

A loose fit that can be worn low on the hipbone for a casual look. 宽松式样让您能轻松挂在胯部,瞬间营造悠闲慵懒感觉。
A loose off the shoulder top teamed with a mini just screams sexy. 试想一件肩部宽松的上衣配上迷你裙,怎一个性感了得!
A loose robe worn chiefly by women. 仿和服晨衣主要为妇女穿的宽松长袍
A loose smock worn by laborers. 工作服工人穿的宽松工作服
A loose stallion galloping around the showground can be extremely dangerous. 一匹围着场地快跑的松散的公马可能会非常危险。
A loose, high-necked blouse styled after the red shirts worn by Garibaldi and his soldiers. 红色阔罩衫一种宽松、高领的罩衫,由加里波第及其战士们所穿的红色衬衫而流传下来
A loose, sleeveless coat worn over outer garments; a cloak. 斗篷一种可穿在外衣外面的松弛的无袖衣服;斗篷
A loose-fitting one-piece work garment worn to protect clothes. 工作服一种用来保护衣服的衣裤相连的宽松型工作外套
A loose-fitting sleeveless garment made of this fabric, traditionally worn by Arabs. 阿拉伯长袍通常由阿拉伯人穿的由驼毛或山羊毛织物织成的宽大无袖的长袍
A lorry driver makes inquiry of a mountaineer :Excuse me, where can I buy the auto accessories in the neighborhood ? 一个卡车司机向一山民打听:“请问,这附近哪儿能买到汽车配件?”
A lorry drove into a line of parked cars. 一辆卡车撞上了一排停著的汽车。

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