Some sea world animal is starting the New Year like many others on a program to lose weight. A walrus is even doing push-ups and sit-ups with the trainer.
一些海洋世界动物也像其他节目中的动物一样开始在新的一年里减肥。一只海象也在根训练员一起做俯卧撑和仰卧起坐。 |
Some seasoned observers have doubts about Japan's new assertiveness.
一些经验丰富的观察家怀疑日本的新断言。 |
Some seasoned visitors say they have noticed changes.
一些有经验游客称他们已注意到了画像的变化。 |
Some secondary problems, such as: poor frustration tolerance, poor following direction, often interfere with the process of sensory integrative treatment.
因此,治疗师可应用行为改变技术,适时矫正这些问题,以利治疗的进行。 |
Some see a troubled woman who courted media attention.
一些人认为她是一个被吸引媒体关注的话题女性。 |
Some see it as a body that could authorise the use of force; others want it to start small and prove itself.
一些人将之视为授权使用武力的集体;其他人则希望它开始时规模较小,并能够证明自身的意义。 |
Some see more than others, but few see everything that is within the range of their vision.
有一些人比别人看得多些,但几乎没有人看到他们视野之内的一切。 |
Some seek spiritual enlightenment in Eastern religions while many could be described as agnostic.
一些人到东方的宗教中寻求精神上的启迪,而许多人则被看作是不可知论者。 |
Some seemed stunned; others took photos of the bulletin boards and the massive TV screens broadcasting the news above midtown Manhattan traffic.
有些人看起来很惊讶,有些人抓紧机会给大屏幕拍照。 |
Some seismologists say because Saturday's magnitude 7.6 quake appears to have been very shallow, with much of the violent activity occurring near the earth's surface, it could be more damaging compared to other quakes of similar magnitude.
有些地震学家说:星期六这个7.6级的地震非常浅层;由于地表有剧烈板块运动,它的破坏力相较于其他数相似的地震可能会更强一点。 |
Some self-regulation is in place.
这个行业已经有一些自律规则。 |