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Study on Soymilk-clotting Enzyme Producing Bacteria

The Involvement of PLC-IP3 Signaling Pathway in Pollen Tube Growth PLC-IP3信号途径参与花粉管伸长调控的显微注射实验
Application of Recombinant Nucleoprotein of Influenza Virus as Antigen in Agar Gel Immunodiffusion Test 禽流感病毒重组核蛋白在琼扩诊断中的应用
Study on the Synthesis of Glutathione by Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mutant M-05: ( II ) Research of the Fermentation Condition 啤酒酵母(Saccharomy cescerevisiae)变株M-05合成谷胱甘肽的研究:(II)发酵条件的研究
The Roles of the Activities of Plasmalemma and Tonoplast H~ -ATPase on Salt induced Proline Accumulation of Ficus carica Cells 盐胁迫下无花果细胞质膜和液泡膜H~ -ATPase活性对脯氨酸积累的影响
Ecological Environment Protection and Construction in Exploiting Guanshan Prairie Tourism Scenic Region 关山草原旅游风景区开发中生态环境保护与建设
Study on Soymilk-clotting Enzyme Producing Bacteria 豆凝乳酶产生菌的筛选及诱变育种
Detection of Prunus necrotic ringspot virus(PNRSV)by PT PCR. RT-PCR检测李坏死环斑病毒的研究
Jetting Forming Technology for Tissue Engineering Materials of Artificial Human Bone 用于人工骨制造的喷射成形技术
The response of endogenous ABA and enzymes activity of scavenging free radical of wheat seedling to water stress 春小麦幼苗在水胁迫下内源 ABA含量与自由基清除酶活力的变化
Morphology and lateral germination of pollen in Ginkgo biloba and their implications in evolution 银杏成熟花粉的形态、侧向萌发及其意义
Anther development and microsporogenesis of Paeonia rockii CVS 紫斑牡丹的花药发育和小孢子发生

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