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? Starting this week, skinners from all over the globe will be able to design, build and submit their own custom Maxthon 2.0 browser skins to WinCustomize.com to compete for prizes and bragging rights in the skinning community.

; or the rain saying, Which blade of grass should I bless with myself? ;或者雨在思考:“哪片草叶必须由我来保佑?”
; the neutral probe: “That's interesting. ;中立性试探:“我很感兴趣,具体谈谈。”
<B>Opinions concerning</B> strict parental discipline <B>vary widely . 针对严厉的家教的看法大相径庭。
? Could I ever learn about life and people? 我能够了解生活和人们吗?
? Let your clients decide for you! 最好的提升价值的方式之一是拓展专长。
? Starting this week, skinners from all over the globe will be able to design, build and submit their own custom Maxthon 2.0 browser skins to WinCustomize.com to compete for prizes and bragging rights in the skinning community. 对它的功能和界面还是比较满意.今年已经举办过一次皮肤设计比赛.最终效果还没有看到,在傲游志上宣称已经取得很大的成功.这次决定在世界范围内再次举办一次这样的活动。
? Such situation be saw often in teenager's age range website. 这样的情形在青少年年龄层的网站比较常见。
A Christiannation may refer to a country that has an established Christian church as its state religion, like England or Germany, or it may simply denote a country that has many Christians living in it, like America, as distinct from a Hindu nation like I 类似的情况,「基督徒」可以指信奉基督耶稣的人,或上教堂的人(不论其信仰的程度),或是一个生在基督教家庭也许婴孩时就受洗的人,以这样的称呼有别于回教徒或是印度教徒。
A Customer satisfactionassessment on the servicing of the conference was carried out, which yielded responses with an average of eight on a scale of one to ten, with the lowest number indicating not satisfiedand the highest number indicatingfully satisfie 对会议服务开展了客户满意度评分,采用十分制,最低分为“不满意”,最高分为“完全满意”,结果平均评分为八分。
A DSLlight on your modem usually shows that the line is synchronized. 通常调制解调器上的DSL灯表示线路同步。
A Food Guide Pyramidis a guide for healthy eating. 对照食物金字塔,看看你的饮食是否健康.

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