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A person with a bad name is already half-hanged.

A person who works tirelessly, especially at difficult or time-consuming tasks. 吃苦耐劳的人不知疲倦地工作的人,尤指在困难的或消耗时间的工作上
A person who would get late for work and take all the bullshit in the world, to help a stray dog who got hurt. 去工作将变得迟到并且在世界拿所有的胡说的一个人,帮助受伤了的一条迷失方向的狗。
A person who, for a price, clean computer files of unfavorable financial credit information of others. 将反映他人财物信用赤字的计算机文件抹去以获取报酬的人员。
A person will die if his main arteries become plugged, because the vital blood supply is blocked. 如果一个人的主要动脉堵塞,他就会死亡,因为生命必须的血液供给被隔断。
A person with 20/10 vision can see at 20 feet what a normal person can see when standing 10 feet away from the chart. 比如20/10的情况就是你站在20英尺内可以看清的东西普通人要在10英尺内才看得见。
A person with a bad name is already half-hanged. 一个有了坏名声的人是一半已经吊死了。
A person with a poisonous mind becomes a snake or a scorpion, or some other poisonous insect. 一个歹毒的人会变成蛇蝎,或者其他毒虫。”
A person with ability plus flexibility should a ly. 需要有能力及适应力强的人。
A person with ability plus flexibility should app1y. 需要有能力及适应力强的人。
A person with ability plus flexibility should apply. 需要有能力及适应力强的人。
A person with an antisocial personality disorder, especially one manifested in aggressive, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior. 精神变态者一个有反社会人格病症的人尤指有侵犯性、变态、犯罪或不道德行为的人

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