In 1783,the British evacuated New York, their last military position in the United States during the Revolutionary War.
美国独立战争时期,英国人从纽约撤出,这是他们在美国的最后一个军事阵地. |
In 1784, the merchant ship Chinese Empress sent by American merchants reached Guangzhou. It raised the curtain on Sino-American trade and stuck up the overture of Sino-American friendship.
1784年(清乾隆四十九年),美国独立后第二年,美国商人即组织“中国皇后”号商船驶抵广州,既揭开了中美贸易的序幕,也奏响了中美友谊序曲。 |
In 1787, Delaware became the first state to ratify the US Constitution.
1787年,特拉华成为第一个批准美国宪法的州。 |
In 1787, inventor John Fitch demonstrated his steamboat on the Delaware River to delegates of the Continental Congress.
1787年,发明家约翰费奇在特拉华河上演示他的蒸气机船的给美国国会的代表观看! |
In 1788, Massachusetts became the sixth state to ratify the US Constitution.
1788年的今天,麻萨诸塞州成为第六个批准美国宪法的州. |
In 1788, the first European settlers in Australia, led by Captain Arthur Phillip, landed in present-day Sydney.
1788年,首批由菲力普带领之欧洲人抵澳洲,于现今之雪梨上岸。 |
In 1789 the then Kedah Sultan (King) gave this island to British East India Company in exchange for military protection.
早于1789年,当时的苏丹(国王)割让这岛于英属东印度公司,以换取英帝国的军事保护。 |
In 1789, the first United States Congress adopted 12 amendments to the Constitution and sent them to the states for ratification. (Ten of the amendments became the Bill of Rights.
1789年,该天,美国第一次国会同意了对美国宪法的12处修改并提交给参议院批准。(其中十条被称为美国宪法前十条修正案。) |
In 1790 during the reign of the Emperor Qianlong, opera troupes from Anhui Province were ferried to the capital on the Grand Canal to perform.
1790年乾隆皇帝统治年间,徽班进京也是通过大运河奔赴皇城登上舞台。 |
In 1792, France's King Louis the 16th went before the Convention to face charges of treason. (Louis was convicted, and executed the following month.
1792年12月11日,法国国王路易斯16在对其叛国罪审判前逃走。(路易斯于次月被判有罪并被处决。) |
In 1793, during the French Revolution, Queen Marie Antoinette was beheaded.
在1793年,在法国革命期间,玛莉安托瓦内特皇后被斩首。 |