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At the rear,kne unwind station for the polyethylene handle film, The filmwidth is identical to the loop length.The filmis cut into narrow trips,and fed into the top fold .The flexible handle film feeding wywtem is feeding by motor.The roll of film is fed,

At the press conference, we got to know that experts who participate in audits of management system and sustainable development report of COSCO Group point out that the Sustainable Development Report of COSCO Group had created five firsts. 在会上我们了解到,参加中远集团管理体系和可持续发展报告审核的专家们指出:中远集团可持续报告创造了五个第一。
At the pyramid's base are the foods considered the staple of the healthy low-fat diet: refined carbohydrates such as bread, cereal, rice and pasta. 金字塔的塔底是被认为是低脂肪健康饮食中的主食:精细加工后的碳水化合物,如面包、谷类、米和面食。
At the rat-a-tat of the knocker her heart fly into her mouth. 听到敲击者咚咚声她的心都悬起来了。
At the rear end of the crankshaft is attached the flywheel, and at the front end are the driving wheels for the timing gears, fan, cooling water and alternator. 曲轴的后端连接着飞轮,前端是连接着定时齿轮,风扇,冷却水和交流发电机的驱动轮。
At the rear there is a large flip-up with a pillar connecting it to a smaller, secondary flip-up (left arrow). 在后方,有一组上大下小的弧面,中间以一根柱子相连(左箭头处)。
At the rear,kne unwind station for the polyethylene handle film, The filmwidth is identical to the loop length.The filmis cut into narrow trips,and fed into the top fold .The flexible handle film feeding wywtem is feeding by motor.The roll of film is fed, 软式手提环制袋机的后面是一放副料架,副料的宽度等于软式手提条的长度,这副料是切成狭长的条状,输送入顶折部分,软式手提袋的手提副料输送系统,采用步进电机输送,它具有精密副料的传送,切断和封口,同时准确的封合于袋子的正中央。
At the recent AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) annual meeting in Washington DC, researchers showed off bipedal designs. 最近,在美国科技进步协会的华盛顿年会上,研究者们展示了“双足机器人”的设计方案。
At the referee's first whistle, the swimmers shall return without undue delay to the starting position. 总裁判第一声哨响,运动员迅速跳入水中。
At the request of interested members of the Working Party, the representative of China agreed that China would undertake bilateral market access negotiations with respect to industrial and agricultural products, and initial commitments in services. 应工作组中利害关系方的请求,中国代表同意,中国将就工业品和农产品及服务贸易的最初承诺进行双边市场准入谈判。
At the request of the Department of Minerals and Energy, China Tenth Metallurgy Group hereby unconditionally and irrevocably undertake to pay Orialle Holdings (Pty) Ltd the maximum sum of R3, 000, 000.00 (Three Million Rand Only (“the guaranteed Amount”) 应矿产能源部请求,中国第十冶金集团在此无条件与不可撤销地保证,在签署合同前期协议后7天内,按4.2.3.条款,向奥利尔支付3百万元南非币(以下简称保证金)。
At the request of the arbitration tribunal, the Secretary-General of the Arbitration Commission may extend this time limit as he considers necessary and justifiable. 在仲裁庭的要求下,仲裁委员会秘书长认为确有必要和确有正当理由的,可以延长该期限。

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