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These show that the key ingredient in deep erotic love is knowledge achieved by listening and looking, by paying close attention.

These should be order in advance. Merchandise would be sending 30-45 days later from Manufactory in Guangdong. it's 4-10 days later from Urumchi. 这些款型是要提前订货的.广东厂家制做要30-45天从厂家发货.乌鲁木齐制做的要4-10天到货.
These should be ordered in advance. Merchandise would be sending 30-45 days later from Manufactory in Guangdong. It's 4-10 days later from Urumchi. 这些款型是要提前订货的.广东厂家制做要30-45天从厂家发货.乌鲁木齐制做的要4-10天到货.
These should become our tactic and target that the rural economics implemented sustainable development under China's socialistic market economy in the 21st century. 这应该成为新世纪我国在社会主义市场经济条件下农村经济实现可持续发展的战略目标。
These show that OLED is a promising displaying technology. 阐述了有机发光二极体是一种很有前途的显示技术。
These show that Qing authorities were unable to provide a safe social environment that would allow widows to maintain their chastity without worry. 政府当道并未能提供安全的社会环境,以使妇女安心守节。
These show that the key ingredient in deep erotic love is knowledge achieved by listening and looking, by paying close attention. 这些都说明了深爱的关键成分是通过聆听、注视和倾注关心而带来的对彼此的认知。
These showers could reach any microbes inside the rock unless it was very big, about two meters or more in diameter. 岩石内部任何微生物的藏身之处,都避不开这些簇射,除非是直径约两公尺或更大的石块。
These signatures were accompanied by promises of further co-operation in the future. 双方企业还都对未来合作作了承诺。
These significant increment in yield compensate for the 3 to 5 more months the grower has to wait for harvest when using densities of 3,300 to 5,000 plants, in comparison with the normal density of 1,400-1,600 plants per hectare (Table 1). 与传统的1400~1600株/公顷相比,使用3300~5000株/公顷的种植密度所获得的产量增加完全可以补偿种植者等待收获的3~5个月时间(表1)。
These silicate tetrahedrons join into chains. 这些硅酸盐四面体缠结成链状。
These simple guidelines should help you find your camera's eye.The key is to experiment and have fun, and the resulting photos will wow anyone who sees them. 这种简单的引线可以帮助你发现你的相机的眼睛。重要的是会给带来一种体验和乐趣,并使得任何看到你的照片的人发出由衷地赞叹.

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