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During winter, the shelters in many cities are crowded with poor people trying to escape the cold.

During which event do Lee Adama and Kara Thrace revisit a secret experience that they shared on New Caprica? 在哪个事件中,李·阿达玛和卡拉·瑟瑞斯重新回顾了他们在新卡不利卡的神秘经历?
During while the dirty coal fuel and intension provide in millions with line a electricity. 取代肮脏的煤炭发电,在未来提供数百万的可靠电力。
During winter vacation this year, Tom will not stay in Taipei. 今年寒假期间,汤姆将不留在台北。
During winter, bears hibernate in caves. 在冬天,熊在洞里冬眠。
During winter, or when the air is very dry or windy, everyone should use the toners and creams morning and evening for best result and keep the skin younger. 在冬季,或当空气非常干燥或刮风天,每个人早晚都应该用化妆水和面霜,效果最好,而且保持您肌肤年轻。
During winter, the shelters in many cities are crowded with poor people trying to escape the cold. 在冬天,许多城市里的收容所挤满了想避寒的穷人。
During world war Ⅰ, Britain lost over a million people, most of them under age of 25. 一战中英国死亡100多万人口,大多数为25岁以下的年轻人。
During years of experience,we have a comprehensive comparison of many famous international brands in their performance and price and then optional regroup them to bring out our Rhine Life Water System to the market. 公司在多年设计安装技术服务中,比较了世界各国著名企业产品的性价比,优化组合,推出了莱茵生活水系统。
During your first adventure, the egg will hatch and give you a pet as a reward. 在开始的关卡中,游戏结束后那些蛋壳会为你孵出一种宠物作为奖励。
During your first prenatal care visit, your provider will ask you a lot of questions and do some tests. Most of your other visits will be much shorter. 在您第一次进行孕期检查时,您的医生会问您好多问题,进行好多测验。以后的检查所需要的时间就不会那么长了。
During your program assignment, you will immediately be plunged into real, meaningful assignments and you will work side-by-side with experts in the business. 在实习期间,你会体验真正的工作状态,并有机会和该领域的专家一起工作学习。

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