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[br]Arafat would never become an agentin the technical professional sense of the term; but he would be service by his handler and would, through them as well, acquire a deep love of, and obsession with, espionage and intelligence.

[br]1. Emerging market equities – including China, Russia, India and Brazil – [red]are plays on the leveraged US consumer[/red]. 新兴市场股票-包括中国、俄罗斯、印度和巴西-是受到美国消费者杠杆作用影响的投资产品。
[br]1R: Good evening, City Police Station. Can I help you? 早上好,这是城市警察局。你需要帮助吗?
[br]All ancillary operations not specifically listed and all pre-requisites associated with good construction practice by an experienced Contractor shall be deemed to be included in the scope of the work and shad not subsequently be itemized and measured 没有具体列出的所有辅助工作,以及一个有经验承包商的良好施工所需的所有必要条件都应视为包括在工程范围之内,并且不应在以后通过增加项目或直接偿还(如日-工)而单独列出、计量或定价。
[br]All monies lawfully deductible or recoverable by THE CLIENT from the VENDOR arising out of this PO or on account of overpayment may be so deducted or recovered by THE CLIENT from any monies due or which may become due to the VENDOR whether under this 因客户向卖方超额支付或因本订购单产生的合法的客户可扣除或可收回的金额,客户可从对卖方的应付款中或从因本订单或其他订单或协议将产生的对卖方的应付款中扣除或收回.
[br]Another important issue for some departments of the US government, particularly the Department of Defense, is potential for perceived energy security threats to drive China's military modernization. 美国一些政府部门(尤其是国防部)中存在着威胁中国能源安全的重大问题,这是促使中国加快军事现代化的潜在动因。
[br]Arafat would never become an agentin the technical professional sense of the term; but he would be service by his handler and would, through them as well, acquire a deep love of, and obsession with, espionage and intelligence. 整句话的意思好像是说阿拉法特决不会成为技术专家的代名词,而是请他的负责人待为之服务,并通过他们来获得间谍及情报员的喜爱与信任。
[br]As discussed elsewhere, an ever-increasing number of extracorporeal devices of varying complexity and strategies for transplantation of hepatocytes and stem cells are being developed as potential alternatives to auxiliary partial OLT for providing tem 参考译文:象在其它地方讨论过的一样,不断增加的体外设备,这些体外设备是针对肝细胞和干细胞移植的具有可变复杂性和策略,正被发展为对FHF患者提供暂时性肝脏支持的辅助部分肝移植的潜在的替代物。
[br]Body end shapes. Body ends shall [b][red]incorporate[/red][/b] a method of holding the valve securely during installlation, e.g.hexagon or provision for a C spanner. 阀体端面形状。阀体端面应表现为具备在安装过程中紧固阀门已达到安全目的的特征,比如,六角或与C形扳手相配套的构造。
[br]Brazilian prices continue to rise as another $25 accepted for April. 巴西4月份价格有望继续上涨25美元。
[br]Each party agrees and it is ordered that if any claim, action, or proceeding is hereafter initiated seeking to hold the party not assuming a debt, an obligation, a liability, an act, or an omission of the other party liable for such debt, obligation, 双方均同意,同时法令规定,将来如有任何诉讼、行为、或程序企图让不承担某项债务、契约、负债、另一方当事人之行为或不行为的当事人承担此类债务、契约、负债、另一方当事人之行为或不行为,那么另一方当事人将自费在诉讼或请求中为不承担此债务、契约、负债、另一方当事人行为或不行为的当事人辩护,无论根据是否充分,并要向不应承担债务、契约、负债、另一方当事人行为或不行为的当事人赔偿,保证此诉讼或请求带来的损害不会影响他或她。
[br]He maintained dialogues with both the right and the left on the political spectrum of Israel and considered himself a [red]father figure [/red]of teh hundreds of thousands of Jewish immigrants who had left his country and who had gone to Israel to set 国王哈桑二世还经常与以色列的左翼和右翼都保持对话,而且他还把自己看成是无数离开家园到以色列安家落户的犹太移民的领袖。

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