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Some theories of international relations predict that other major powers will eventually band together to challenge American might, but it's hard to find much evidence of such behavior.

Some tentative signs of stabilization have recently occurred in the housing market. 一些不稳定迹象近期出现在房地产市场上。
Some terrorist groups appear to be increasingly interested in causing massive casualties, a phenomenon that may stem from a rise in religiously inspired acts of violence, the emergence of new, more fluid terrorist cells, and the perception that traditiona 一些恐怖组织似乎越来越有兴趣制造大规模伤亡事件,这一现象的原因也许是宗教引发的暴力行为增加,更多流动的新组织分支的出现,以及考虑到传统的低伤亡的恐怖行为已无法引起公众的关注。
Some that I could tighten my skin against, others that left it raw. 到底是什么塑造或者扭曲了孩子?
Some the popular rap music is considered vulgar and violent. 一些现在流行的说唱音乐,被认为是庸俗和暴力的.
Some theoretical problems in establishing the information industry statistics are discussed. 论述了建立信息产业统计若干基本理论问题。
Some theories of international relations predict that other major powers will eventually band together to challenge American might, but it's hard to find much evidence of such behavior. 一些国际关系理论预测其他强国将最终团结起来挑战美国的权威,但替这种假设寻找证据是极其困难的。
Some theorists call this the “vertical disintegration of production across borders”. 因而,有部分理论家将此表述为“垂直非一体化的跨国生产”,这实在太复杂了。
Some theorize that a catastrophic cosmic explosion sent the infinite worlds spinning out into the vastness of the Great Dark - worlds that would one day bear life forms of wondrous and terrible diversity. 一些人认为是一场巨大的爆炸制造了无边的宇宙,并最终孕育出各种形态的生命。
Some things are best left unsaid. 不知比知道更好。
Some things are better left unsaid. 有些事情还是不说出来为好.
Some things are clear, the lucid fragments of a dream, a conversation over the phone one Easter. 有些事是清晰的,如某些梦的片断,复活节时在电话里的一段对话。

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