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The trajectory of antisubmarine homing torpedo is a complex space curve, so there is big limitation in accounting its trajectory length by plane geometry.

The traitor in strait straight forwardly told me the traits of the bait. 在向前直的海峡里的卖国贼告诉我饵的特性。
The traitor in strait straightforwardly told me the traits of the bait. 在窘迫中(苦恼)的叛国者直接地告诉了我诱饵的特征。
The traitor was punished for having sold many of his comrades down the river. 那个叛徒因出卖了他的许多同志而受到惩罚。
The traitor was shot to death. 这个卖国贼被处决了。
The traits of α and β diversity of different habitats of alpine grassland plant community in Eastern Qilian Mountains were studied. 摘要对东祁连山高寒草地不同生境类型(阴坡、滩地和阳坡)植物群落的α和β多样性进行了研究。
The trajectory of antisubmarine homing torpedo is a complex space curve, so there is big limitation in accounting its trajectory length by plane geometry. 由于反潜自导鱼雷的弹道是一条复杂的空间曲线,因而平面几何解析法求解其弹道长度有较大的局限性。
The tram (train)* to Ciu (Tiu)* Keng Leng is arriving ; Please let passenger exit first , thank you. 列车到达车站往调景岭列车即将到站,请先让乘客落车,多谢合作。
The tramp besides is amusing,also a good movement. 徒步旅行除了好玩外,还是良好的运动。
The tramp carried his belongings in a pack on his back. 那个流浪者把所有的东西捆成一包背在背上.
The tramp from the tram swamped the ham hamburge with shampoo. 有轨电车的脚步声淹没了带有香波的火腿汉堡。
The tramp from the tram swamped the ham hamburger with shampoo. 来自有轨电车的流浪者用洗发水淹没火腿汉堡。

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