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Start each page on the second line.

Start computer with CD-ROM support only [EMM386 NOEMS]. 注:启动时只带光驱驱动,并且使用EMM386开启高端内存以节省常规内存。
Start computer without CD-ROM / U-Disk support none[UMBPCI]. 注:启动时不带光驱和U盘驱动,并且使用UMBPCI开启高端内存以节省常规内存。
Start each day with 30-60 minutes of reading - business, educational or inspirational. 每天早上阅读30-60分钟——(内容可以是)商业的,有教育意义或能给人灵感的。
Start each meal by conspicuously licking all your food, and announce that this is so no one will″swipe yourgrub″. 在用餐前大舔特舔你的食物,并宣布这样就没人会“偷”吃了。
Start each page on the 2nd line. 从每页纸的第二行开始写。
Start each page on the second line. 每一页从第二行开始写。
Start early and build a good base of reliable references you can use to find out new computer information. 启动得早而且建立你能使用发现新的计算机信息的一个可靠参考的好基础。
Start from the top and readjust the use cases. Add, subtract, and merge as appropriate. Double-check for completeness, readability, and failure conditions. 从最高层的使用案例开始重新调整整组使用案例。有必要时新增、粹取或合并使用案例。请重新检查使用案例的完整性、可读性与失败条件。
Start hanging around positive people! 与正直向上的人为伍。
Start in the back.Many people get stuck in the stampede at the front.Make your way to the back where there are representatives waiting for someone to appear. “反其道而行之。”许多人陷入前门拥挤慌乱的人群中难以脱身。你不妨径直走向后门,那里有代表们在等候来访者的出现。
Start laughing for no reason at all .(Ok,be careful where you try this one --don't want you to get locked away! 没有任何理由也可以发笑(可要小心哦,不要被别人给轰出来!)

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