So at the max - you probably cap out at 99% combined chance to hit and crit.
极限情况——你可能会有综合99%的机会击中/暴击。 |
So at the time of shooting, I usually feel influenced, and to get a good photo is hardly achievable.
拍的时候也唯唯诺诺,少了随性,技术又差,实在难出好片。 |
So author discusses the comcept of the right to use of base of rural residence, current legal system and current situation and the question existing carries on the discussion, and forward one's own elementary view to the base of rural residence.
通过对有关农村宅基地使用权的概念特征、现行法律制度及现状中存在的问题进行探讨,对农村宅基地使用制度的完善提出看法。 |
So back in I Corinthians 13:4-7, Paul proceeds to provide the Corinthian believers with an understanding of agape love.
现在我们再回到哥林多前书13:4-7, 保罗教导哥林多的信徒从认识神的爱中得到收获。 |
So balance is Camus' hidden line, which correspond to absurdity in his works.
所以可以说荒谬是加缪哲学的主线,而平衡是与其一直相对应的潜台词。 |
So banks chose to keep a skeleton staff in the office instead.
有人发现,长时间在家办公甚至会引起背痛。 |
So basically I do the same on the first string as on the second, and although sometimes I make a mistake and hit the wrong string, it's not a problem for me to move close to the string and hit the right one.
因此,我在一弦上和二弦上弹奏轮指时没有什么差别,因此有时我也会犯错误,弹到了其他的琴弦上,当然只要将手移动得比较接近琴弦并且弹到正确的弦上是不成问题的。 |
So basically nothing is going to change?
那么基本上没什么改变了? |
So basically, for most of the meeting, I sat envisioning how I was going to get out of the way when the volcano erupted.
基本上一到大多这样的会议上,我总要想着万一火山爆发我怎样才能夺路而逃。 |
So be aware of your thoughts and eliminate the unnecessary negative or judgemental ones.
所以,要小心你的想法,排除不必要的负面或审判性想法。 |
So be careful to do what the LORD your God has commanded you; do not turn aside to the right or to the left.
32所以,你们要照耶和华你们神所吩咐的谨守遵行,不可偏离左右。 |