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Taste of lees. Unpleasant taste acquired by wines kept for too long on their lees.

Tasks of Tianjin Educational Development Foundation: raise, manage and use the fund; accept the donation from Party and government organizations, enterprises and institutions, social organizations, individuals, domestic and overseas friendly groups, compa 天津市教育发展基金会任务:是募集、管理和使用基金,接受党政机关、企事业单位、社会团体、各界群众以及海内外友好团体、港、澳、台同胞、海外侨胞的捐款,根据捐赠者的意愿设立专项基金;开展经常性的助学、助教及其他有关活动,重点是资助贫困家庭学生完成学业,支持贫困地区解决在改革发展教育事业过程中遇到的特殊困难;开展与发展高水平教育有关的公益活动。
Tasks which you feel you excel at, positive personality traits that you feel that you possess, and skills that you sell to a potential employer. 你擅长的工作,你所拥有的积极的个性特点,你想向你未来老板推销的你的一些技能。
Tasmania was named after its discoverer, A. J. Tasman. 塔斯曼尼亚岛是以其发现者塔斯曼的名字命名的.
Taste a sip of fresh green tea in this kitchen, enjoy the moment of meditation. 此时,关于时间的思考,在季节的边缘慢慢积淀、升华。
Taste and smell are closely connected. 味觉与嗅觉是密切相关的.
Taste of lees. Unpleasant taste acquired by wines kept for too long on their lees. 酒渣味:由于葡萄酒与酒渣接触时间过长而带上的令人不快的味道。
Taste of petrol and toxic gases are filled in the avenues; the noises of taxies, tractors and buses are too turbulent to endure. 街道上充斥着汽油味和有毒气体,出租汽车、卡车、公共汽车的噪音刺耳难忍,络绎不绝的人群挤来挤去。
Taste orr smell may be used when appropriate. 在合适的时候使用味觉和嗅觉。
Taste the joy of freedom. 领略自由之乐。
Taste, ignited: richly and sharp-spicy, with typical wooded and dry flavors, which do not leave the upper hand to the strength. Briefly in the mouth. 口味(燃烧时):浑厚,辛辣,典型的森林气息和干燥的味道,在嘴中停留时间较短暂。
Taste: Fresh with a pleasant acid. 口感:清新中带有令人愉快的酸味。

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