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The House and Senate have to work out their differences before a final bill can go to the President.

The Hotel's other facilities include a business centre, health club, post office, banks, car parks, etc. 酒店其它设施还包括:商务中心、健康中心、停车场、银行、邮局和票务中心等。
The Hotel:The serviced apartment hotel is comprised of 166 two-bedroom apartments on floors 5-21 of Tower C. 酒店部分:由C座的位于5至21层的166套高级公寓组成。
The House (ie Members of the House of Commons) rose at 10 pm. 下议院已於晚上10点钟散会.
The House Judicial Committee is nearing the way to fill contempt charge against former White House Counsel Harriet Miers and Chief of Staff Josh Bolten. 白宫司法委员会向前白宫法律顾问哈丽雅特?迈尔斯和白宫办公厅主任乔舒亚?博尔滕提起藐视司法的诉讼,并为此积极准备。
The House Judiciary Committee is clearing the way to file contempt charges against former White House counsel Harriet Miers and Chief of Staff Josh Bolten. 美国司法委员会准备以藐视罪对前白宫顾问哈里特·迈尔斯和陆空军司令博尔顿提起诉讼。
The House and Senate have to work out their differences before a final bill can go to the President. 白宫和参议院不得不在将最终议案上交给总统前找出双方议案中不同的地方。
The House bill fully funds requested levels for Liberia, Sudan and Haiti, providing $450 million for Sudan, including $138 million for Darfur. 国会议案将按(布什总统)要求的资金数全额援助利比亚、苏丹及海地,提供给苏丹的援助金共计达4.5亿美元,其中1.38亿美元用于资助达尔福尔。
The House can impeach a President, but the Senate must try him to see if he is guilty. 众议院可以弹劾总统,但必须经过参议院审判总统以决定他是否有罪。
The House debates the resolution and may at the conclusion consider the resolution as a whole or vote on each article of impeachment individually. 众议院对此决议实施辩论,结果可能将全案视为一整体,或对各「弹劾文」分别进行投票。
The House has approved the resolution opposing President Bush's troop increase in Iraq. In the end, 17 Republicans joined Democrats in favoring the non-binding resolution. 参议院以批准反对布什总统伊拉克军队扩充的决议。最终,17名共和党议员参加民主党议员支持拥护无遵守决议。
The House has yet to pass a bill, but it willprobably include most of this tosh, as well as subsidies for the pettechnologies of various congressmen, perhaps including a particularlygrubby fuel derived from coal. 众议院将会通过一个议案,但是议案很可能会包括大部分的那些陈词滥调,以及那些国会议员们钟爱的技术,也许还包括从煤炭中提取肮脏的能源的技术。

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